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word of the day

The word for today is…

orientation (noun) – 1. The act of orienting or the state of being oriented.

  1. Location or position relative to the points of the compass.
  2. The construction of a church so that its longitudinal axis has an east-west direction with the main altar usually at the eastern end.
  3. The direction followed in the course of a trend, movement, or development.
  4. A tendency of thought; a general inclination.
  5. Sexual orientation.
  6. (a) An adjustment or adaptation to a new environment, situation, custom, or set of ideas.
    (b) Introductory instruction concerning a new situation.
  7. Psychology Awareness of the objective world in relation to one’s self.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : 1839, “arrangement (of a building, etc.) to face east or any other specified direction,” noun of action from orient. Meaning “process of determining the points of the compass is by 1868, hence the extended sense of “action of determining one’s mental bearings,” with reference to new ideas, etc. (1870). Meaning “introduction to a situation” is from 1942. Sense of “the position or arrangement (of something) relative to the points of the compass” is from 1875.

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