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word of the day

The word for today is…

benevolent (adjective):

1a : marked by or disposed to doing good
b : organized for the purpose of doing good
2 : marked by or suggestive of goodwill

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : One who is benevolent genuinely wishes other people well, a meaning reflected clearly in the word’s Latin roots: benevolent comes from bene, meaning “good,” and velle, meaning “to wish.” Other descendants of velle in English include volition, which refers to the power to make one’s own choices or decisions, and voluntary, as well as the rare velleity, meaning either “the lowest degree of volition” or “a slight wish or tendency.” A more familiar velle descendant stands directly opposed to benevolent: malevolent describes someone or something having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person.

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