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word of the day

The word for today is…

punitive (adjective):

: inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : 1620s, from French punitif (16c.) or directly from Medieval Latin punitivus, from Latin punitus, past participle of punire “to punish, correct, chastise”. Punitive is an important word in the law. When you sue a person or company for having wronged you in some way, you normally ask for something of value equal to what you were deprived of by the other party. But when the defendant has done something particularly bad, you may also ask for punitive damages, money over and above the actual cost of the harm done, intended to teach the defendant a lesson. Punitive damages are fairly rare, but when they’re actually granted they may be as much as four times the size of the basic damages.

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