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The word for today is…

fulsome (adjective):

1a : characterized by abundance
b : generous in amount, extent, or spirit
c : being full and well developed
2 : aesthetically, morally, or generally offensive
3 : exceeding the bounds of good taste : overdone
4 : excessively complimentary or flattering

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : In the 19th century, fulsome was mostly a literary term used disapprovingly to describe excessive, insincere praise and flattery. This meaning is still current, but since the early 20th century fulsome has been increasingly used with far more positive meanings, among them “abundant, copious” and “full and well developed.” The result is some amount of confusion: a phrase like “fulsome praise” used today without clarifying context may rightly be understood to mean either “abundant praise” or “excessive and obsequious praise.” While some critics object to the pleasanter meanings of fulsome, they are in fact true to the word’s origins: when it was first used in the 14th century fulsome meant “abundant, copious.”

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