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The word for today is…

scintillate (verb):

1 : to emit sparks
2 : to emit quick flashes as if throwing off sparks
3 : to dazzle or impress with liveliness or wit

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : The initial spark of the verb scintillate was the Latin noun scintilla, meaning “spark.” The ember of scintilla in turn developed into the verb scintillare, “to sparkle.” Scintillate retains this meaning in expressing the action of gleaming, glittery things, as when jewelry or the surface of a lake in full sun scintillates. But the word can and oftendoes mean “to sparkle” in a figurative sense—that is, to dazzle or impress with a brilliant performance—making the word apt for both celestial and cinematic scintillating stars.

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