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The Company for “Thinkers Not Activists”


An employment company has just been started in the US called that is filling a much-needed gap in the market. Their refreshing byline says that they

Hire thinkers.
Not activists.


Hire courageous, free thinking and freedom loving individuals. Not ideologues whose only agenda is to weaponise your brand and business to further a radical cause.

It’s for employers who don’t want to hire staff who will try to destroy the business over Social Justice agendas and for employees to find companies that won’t ram the boss’s ideology down their throats.

Needless to say it is a success.

Also, needless to say, the Social Justice Woke Warriors on social media are complaining about it!

One accusation being hurled at the company is the claim that the company is making it easy for companies to only hire white people. They have made this claim despite the fact that the company does not record the applicant’s race on the CVs. The resumes are all completely colour blind and the selection is made based on the content of the CVs, not the skin colour of the applicants.

This is supremely ironic as Social Justice Activists have demanded that HR companies do this for years to prevent racism. Now that it has actually been done, they are calling the company that does it racist!

The creators of Unwoke made the following response to the attacks on social media.

To whom it may concern,
We understand that a very small but loud group of people have taken serious offense by the Unwoke Platform.
– We don’t care.
We just find it jaw-dropping that so many people in that particular line of work (destruction) have been shouting for years about establishing hiring processes where the ethnicity of a person is masked. Now, when we’ve created it, their heads suddenly explode because of how “racist” it is. It makes one wonder how dedicated to their principles they really are [rhetorical question].
To Vice Media
Please remove your statements linking us to “white supremacists”, calling us “dumb” and deserving of being “trolled to death”. Fail to do so and you will have a nice defamation suit coming your way very soon. Trust us, serving you would be an absolute joy.
To our users
Thank you for the unimaginable level of support. The amount of love letters are in the thousands and we’re working diligently to reply to each and everyone of you.
Some people out there including some media outlets, would like to have you believe that we’ve had a “rocky start”. We not only disagree, that whole notion is blatantly false.
First of all, we weren’t hacked. We were “XSS-attacked”.
Secondly, the email “leak” wasn’t really a leak.
We built the entire Unwoke platform over a weekend to see if a concept like this would stick. So of course there were flaws. But the trolls did us a favor by exposing our vulnerabilities. Then they put their findings on social media so we could fix everything immediately. Just brilliant work there. Free lunch as far as we’re concerned. So stay tuned, a lot of new and exciting updates are coming very soon!
– What have we learned?
Nothing. It only confirms what we already knew. That the people shouting are incapable of creation and only capable of destruction. And that a platform like Unwoke is desperately needed and desperately feared by the same people who seek to destroy it.
– Is the platform secure?
Unequivocally yes.
The creators of Unwoke.

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