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The Curious Case of the Time Travelling Japanese Embassy

Either the Ministry of Health lied or the Japanese embassy was able to time travel into the future to find out the date of the next lockdown. Image credit The BFD


In the weeks leading up to the current level 4 lockdown many New Zealanders had a gut feeling that something was brewing. The government Covid propaganda machine had been cranked back up to full, complete with stern warnings that any outbreak of the delta Covid variant would be met with a “swift and severe” response. Whispers and rumours were rife that another lockdown was imminent, usually from a friend of a friend who knew someone in the education or health sectors.

On the 12th of August, the Ministry of Health addressed the rumours by categorically denying that a lockdown was imminent. Five days later on the 17th, Jacinda Ardern went on to announce the harshest lockdown she could.

What is curious is how the Wellington-based Japanese embassy knew on the 10th of August that a level 4 lockdown was planned to start on the 18tha full 7 days before it was announced to the public, and 2 days before the Ministry of Health denied a lockdown was coming.

Embassy of Japan in New Zealand web page as at 24th of August 2021 showing lockdown date of 18th of August. The BFD

What if the date they published is wrong you ask? Google cached this page on the 10th, so it’s fairly safe to say that this page was updated on or just before the 10th of August 2021.

Google cached search result for Embassy of Japan in New Zealand web page showing lockdown date of 10th of August. The BFD.
So either the Ministry of Health lied or the Japanese embassy was able to time travel into the future to find out the date of the next lockdown.
Either the Ministry of Health lied or the Japanese embassy was able to time travel into the future to find out the date of the next lockdown. Image credit The BFD

While it is nice for the Japanese embassy to be told in advance, perhaps the government could be so kind as to consider the devastating effects their snap lockdowns have on the battered and bruised business owners of New Zealand. I am sure they would appreciate some warning too.

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