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The word for today is…

comprehend (verb):

1: to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of

2: to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or amount

3: to include by construction or implication

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : To comprehend is to mentally grasp something's complete nature or meaning. Comprehend is thus often a bit stronger than understand: for example, you may understand the instructions in a handbook without completely comprehending their purpose. Comprehend's second meaning is much less common. Using that sense of the word, we could say that good manners comprehends (that is, includes) more than simple table etiquette, for example, or that true courage comprehends more than just physical showing off. And something comprehensive includes a great deal: so a comprehensive exam, for instance, includes all the material that was studied in the course.

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The Left Need to up Their Game

The Left Need to up Their Game

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