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The High Court Has Granted Us an Urgent Hearing for Today

Auckland High Court

Rachel Poulain
Free Speech Union

My name is Rachel, I’m a member of the Free Speech Union’s Council, and one of our spokespeople.

Further to Jordan and David’s articles over the last few days I’m writing to update you on our new case against Auckland and Palmerston North City Councils in relation to their banning of the Speak Up for Women group from Council venues.

First though – thank you to all of those who have chipped-in to our litigation fund and are making this possible. Without the support of the Free Speech Union, no one would be standing up to councils and the social media bullies who acting like modern day censors.

The High Court will be hearing our application to force the Councils to re-establish the bookings this afternoon (Thursday) at 2:15 at the Auckland High Court.

If Kiwis can’t gather at local council-owned facilities to discuss a proposed law before Parliament, because of a few loud objections by political opponents, what hope is there for open and free democratic debate?  That’s what this case is about.

Thank you again for your support.

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Facts and Fantasies

Facts and Fantasies

Once I ran across Derek and we had a few drinks together. I told him he was wasting his time trying to overthrow Muldoon, as Derek was not a natural leader, which required an X factor few people possessed.

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