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The Left Are Bringing Back Jim Crow

white ceramic coffee mug filled with black liquid
Photo by Alex Padurariu. The BFD

A mother in Atlanta complaining that her daughter’s school segregates classes into black and white. Surely a headline from the Jim Crow days, pre-Brown versus Board of Education?

No, it’s modern America, under the spell of “Critical Race Theory”. And segregation is back in a big way.

If I told you that a system would create a segregated society, I would imagine that most people would think that system was a bad idea. We got rid of segregation in the United States back in the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life in the process and, broadly speaking, most Americans agree consigning the racist practices of Jim Crow to the dustbin of history was a huge step forward for the country […]

CRT’s base philosophy is that the United States is inherently racist, as are the systems that created it. It’s not a theory that is based on any objective fact, but rather the inane ramblings of the late Harvard professor Derek Bell. It is not a theory that exists to attempt to prove anything, but rather to push a particular narrative to force a cultural shift.


A very, very ugly cultural shift, into blatant racism — masquerading as “anti-racism”.

Complete with “Whites” and “Coloured” areas.

The nonsensical illogic of CRT can be summed up in such self-contradictory ideas as “Inclusive Segregation”. Segregation is by definition exclusive. What next from the CRT cretins, “Dry Water”?

One San Francisco school is going all-in with the “Inclusive Segregation”.

An elementary school in California’s San Francisco Bay Area sparked outrage after it arranged a Playdate Social for students that is exclusively for those who are “black,” “brown,” or “API,” standing for Asian and Pacific Islander. White students were excluded from the mixer.

The event was hosted by the Equity & Inclusion Committee at Chabot Elementary School in Oakland, California.

That’s right: they’re being “inclusive”, by excluding more than half the population of the Bay Area.

The event, which was created to entertain students of all colors unless they are white, notably encourages participants to “build our community as we kick off the school year.”

Obviously, the white kid in the wheelchair gets an oppression pass for being a cripple.

Thankfully, at least some of the parents at the school are way less racist than its “Equity and Inclusion Committee”.

One person who said they are a parent at the school blasted the event on Reddit.

“I dunno about others, but I’m genuinely upset about what ultimately boils down to a ‘No whites allowed’ playdate,” said the Reddit user, who posted the event graphic online. In other comments, the user said the event invite was “emailed to all the parents,” and that they are “particularly impassioned by this BECAUSE of how backwards it is.”

He added, “I am firmly against racial segregation in any form, and think this is the kind of event that pulls more people AWAY from the cause they are likely trying to promote.”

Or their motives might be a little less pure: they’re worried that making the left’s racist agenda so blatantly obvious might drive the less insane Democrats off the plantation.

The Reddit user also appeared to suggest that such events are pushing regular people to become more politically conservative, writing, “I know people who have literally gone full blown conservative/Trumpers because of shit like this, which is in large part why I think I have such a visceral reaction to this event.”

The Post-Millennial

Next thing you know, they might even notice that the Democrats were the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the Klan.

They can take off the hoods, but the Dems can’t change their spots.
