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The Magic Bullet is Clause 9

gold and silver bullet on white surface
Photo by Danilo Alvesd. The BFD.

**UPDATE: The article had the wrong podcast embedded. This has now been corrected and I have republished the article

Auckland lawyer Liz Lambert has identified that should an employee suffer a vaccination injury, once ACC approves the claim, criminal charges can be brought against the business and its directors by the victim and Worksafe because it is not a workplace accident. She says that the vaccine can be considered a hazard.

As of August 7, ACC had received 201 treatment injury claims related to the vaccine. Of those, 67 had been accepted, 39 declined and 95 were still being decided.

A month later (September 10), a further 181 claims had been received – a total of 382. Of these, 144 had been accepted, 73 declined and 163 were still being decided.

The majority of accepted claims were for allergic reactions.

If her claims are correct then it appears that the government get to be virtuous public PR heroes saving us from Covid, whilst business bears all the risk and has to coerce employees to get vaccinated, enforce Worksafe mandates and suffer the consequences should the vaccination harm an employee, or an unvaccinated employee infect anyone.

A summary of the key claims made by Lambert in the below podcast is:

1. Employers and self-employed can ignore the mandates,

2. The way the government structured the law, any employer can decide to keep an un-vaccinated person at work without needing an exemption (clause 12A and clause 9),

3. In case of vaccine injuries of an employee, the responsibility if you imposed a mandate in your company is *on the employer* and not on the government and may imply fines and in case of severe injuries – even jail.

Editor: This is the legal opinion of lawyer Liz Lambert. It does not constitute legal advice and you should consult your own lawyer to confirm the validity of the claims.


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