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The Maori Message in Simple Language

Sir Bob Jones

A Maori political party led by a cowboy hat wearing attention-seeker with a grossly disfigured, fully tattooed face, endeavoured to close down our cities on Thursday.

The underlying message of this bullshit protest can be summed up simply; specifically, “we’re (part) Maoris so give us money.”

He’s two centuries out of date. Back then Maoris did a roaring trade tattooing captives’ heads then shrinking them, (God knows how) and selling them to museums.

The museums won’t touch them now but probably there’s some Russian oligarchs who might. Actually, I’ll kick off the bidding and offer $500 for his head, as plainly he’s not using it.

I’ll shove it on a pole in my tennis court at the end my regular tennis opponent plays at. As he is Maori doubtless he won’t mind.

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