It wasn’t so bad at the start of the pandemic. Sure, the media had always been Jacinda Ardern’s cheerleaders, but when Covid hit none of us really knew what to expect. We saw pictures of doors on apartment buildings being sealed up in China and severely overrun hospitals in Italy, and we all felt fear. Of course, it was the media which presented those pictures but they were verified from overseas… as far as we knew. Nevertheless, the fear and panic that gripped most of the world arrived here too. We all acquiesced to the lockdown rules, hand sanitising and social distancing because we were genuinely afraid.
But as the months passed and the number of COVID deaths came nowhere near those of the Spanish flu, we all began to see the truth of it. Yes, Covid was killing old people with underlying health conditions, but so did the winter flu each year, and we never locked anyone down for that. Then along came the vaccines and reports of vaccine injuries started to come out… but not from the mainstream media. They maintained a wall of silence: the vaccine is safe, there are no side effects and the reports of vaccine injuries are ‘misinformation’, which can only be stopped by getting rid of social media.
Unfortunately, as we now know, most of the ‘misinformation’ came from the media and the government itself.
And then suddenly, Paddy Gower, the one who ruined the career of a doctor who was trying to help those patients who didn’t want to be vaccinated, runs a story about vaccine injury on a 35- year-old healthy man.
What? A wall of silence for a year, and now suddenly… it is real?
It is, of course, no coincidence that 95% of eligible Kiwis have been vaccinated, so it is now okay to tell them about the risks. It is now obvious that vaccination does not protect people from catching Covid, nor does it stop them from getting sick or from dying. They were all lies.
If the media thinks this gives them credibility, it doesn’t. It just proves what we knew all along. They are government shills, doing what they are told by an oppressive government that bribes them into compliance. We all know the story. We have been telling it on this site for more than a year.
Does this mean we can trust them to tell the truth? Not even remotely. They are still government shills.
And never forget how Jacinda, in admitting to vaccine injuries for the first time, tried to claim that the government had always been transparent.
Really? Transparency?
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
1984. George Orwell
Now that they have told you the truth – just once – they expect you to believe them. They know they are mistrusted. So they dangled a few morsels of truth here and there, just to make you feel better, and to reassure you that they are not trying to brainwash you.
Why would you think that, Aotearoa?
Why are the media not questioning why there seems to be an unexplained rise in heart conditions among the vaccinated, but not the unvaccinated?
Leftists are still peddling the line that those who are unvaccinated have been subject to ‘misinformation’ which they got from conspiracy theorists on social media, and therefore we need to do something about social media. Then, the line goes, the media would sell more newspapers… even though even the media are accepting the truth about vaccine injury to some extent. This just proves that none of it was about health. It was all about control.
You really just couldn’t make this stuff up.
In the meantime, all I can say is – thank God for social media. No, it is not perfect, and yes there are certainly nutters out there, but these days, it is our conduit to the truth. Without it, of course, the mainstream media could feed us lies on a daily basis.
Oh, wait… they already do that.