I honestly, truly, cross my heart, wish I didn’t have to be saying this but recently I wrote about the stupidity of some National MP’s fronting up to the media and making absolute asses of themselves and the party by commenting on the Paul Goldsmith “colonization was good for Maori” issue.
I suggested they’d learnt nothing from the resounding loss at the last election and that they need to learn to shut up.
I used terminology which I thought was reasonably clear. I said they had “demonstrated they’re as thick as pig excrement for allowing themselves to be drawn in and used as muppets”.
I said, “Few of them seem to have learnt to keep their simpering, idiotic opinions to themselves.”
Okay, I’m not the oracle or font of all knowledge, but that was a situation where the simpering idiots couldn’t keep their mouths shut when faced with a barking rabid dog (“journalist”) with a camera pointing at them demanding an opinion on something they clearly knew very little if anything about.
But they still couldn’t keep their opinions to themselves. They mouthed off and undermined everything the National party is supposed to stand for.
To be fair, they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed anyway so, under the pressure of having a camera pointed at them, they might be excused for letting their lips flap in the breeze. But how about when one of these intellectual giants, completely unsolicited and unprompted, issues a Press Statement that reiterates the one thing NONE OF US WANT TO HEAR: “We will do what Labour’s doing only we’ll do it better”.
Who the hell are you trying to impress? Are you really so far out of touch with what the working people of this country really think are issues?
“Transition from Plastics Requires Kiwi Ingenuity”
Says a Press Release from the office of National’s Environment spokesperson Scott Simpson:
“National are broadly in agreement with the Government’s decision to phase out a range of particularly problematic plastics”
“There won’t be many New Zealanders who don’t think we have too much plastic in our lives and that much of it, while inexpensive and convenient, is causing damage to our environment and adding to issues we have with landfills.”
Really? You seriously think most of the country gives a toss about this? So much of a toss that you’ve issued a Press Statement about it?
He Puapua. Hate Speech. Billion-dollar cycle & pedestrian bridge. Millions wasted housing the homeless. Tanking economy from overspending government. Feel free to add to this unending list of fails.
We can but despair if this is the best on offer.
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