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Dear Editor

I have been a long time supporter of ACT and also a strategic National voter for many years.

Like many BFD readers, I am disillusioned and disgusted with both ACT and National and their leaders. Their failure even to acknowledge those who are standing up for the basic freedoms that we all took for granted in this country is despicable and an outright betrayal of what those parties are supposed to stand for.

I cannot give ACT or National my party vote any more. My vote, like the vote of many BFD readers, is homeless.

So I decided to try to contact the New Nation Party (NNP).

Some of their policies as listed on their website are as follows:

  • Scrap 3 Waters
  • No Vaccine Passports; No Restrictions; Improve Medical Treatment
  • Leave the Corrupt UN
  • Name of Country to remain New Zealand
  • Reduce the Number of MPs to 99 within 3 terms
  • First $25,000 of Income to be Tax Free
  • Reduce GST to 5% on Basic Food Items

Not bad. Obviously, a long way to go, but I figure I can work with that. I’m even prepared to help them raise their profile if they would like my active support.

There are four members of the Board that appear with short bios on the website. There are no contact details for any of them.

So I emailed the contact email for the party on the website, which is a Gmail address. It promptly bounced on me.

Okay, what next?

Joining the party costs $25 for 3 years. I thought I could consider that a donation, so I joined the party and hoped for a response.

An immediate automated response acknowledged my payment. However, it is about a week now, and there is no personal response from the party or anyone associated with it – no information, no newsletter, nothing. I’m still waiting…

In my view, we desperately need a new party that will give voice to the sentiments and calls for basic freedoms articulated by the protesters and their supporters. We are being shunned and insulted by the elite political class that lives and huddles in their safe space in Wellington. Many ordinary people are now politically disenfranchised and have nowhere to place their vote.

The time is ripe for the establishment of a new party. I am a realist. I know that 5% is a difficult threshold to breach but in this climate, I believe it is achievable.

The populist pushback against the globalist elites is now a well established worldwide movement.

We just need a party and the right leadership to give traction to those same sentiments here in New Zealand.

Michael Flinn
