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The Next Labour Leader in Waiting?

Allan and her daughter. Photo credit: Kiri Allan.



The resident commies in the Beehive have decided to follow a playbook similar to the one Hillary Clinton followed in 2016, with predictable results. One suspects – knowing what 40-something women in senior jobs who know they’re seriously out of their depth are like – that ‘dissent’ or, heaven forbid, telling the truth, has long since been abolished behind closed doors in the Beehive.

Just like Hillary Clinton in 2016.

If any of her senior people in late October or early November 2016 had suggested, “Trump is holding 4 rallies per day talking about the economy, health insurance costs, and appointing Supreme Court Justices; but all we do is talk about Trump“, they’d have been fired (once the hysterical violent screaming had ceased). So nobody pointed out she was losing the election.

Similarly, if anybody on the 9th floor were to dare suggest what New Zealand circa 2022 is actually like – in contrast to the 8-year-old-girl-running-through-the-meadow-thinking-she’s-a-fairy-princess view of the world, which is the ‘agreed’ narrative – and how support for the government is beyond repair, they would be immediately fired. So Ardern is ‘indulged’ by people who secretly know the game is up.

Fact is folks, women in these sorts of positions cannot be ‘told’ anything, which is why they always lose elections (or vast amounts of shareholders’ money in the case of female CEOs). The most notable and saddest example in history is to point out no man would have been dumb enough to introduce a poll tax. Enough said.

As I predicted the other day, it is going to be all about how ‘nice’ Ardern is – and how awful you must be to dislike somebody who is so ‘nice’. You rotter.

TV3 news tried to contrast “Jacinda is skiing in Queenstown; such a NICE person” with those rubes, hicks, and misogynistic racists in Tauranga voting against God’s gift to mankind in the by-election. Presumably, it was a similar propaganda exercise on Channel 1 news.

The Herald is joining in with a profile on somebody called Kiri Allan, apparently a socialist MP and Cabinet Minister.

Labour MP Kiritapu Allan speaks to media. Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas

Don’t worry, dear reader, nobody else has heard of her either.

The implication of the hagiographic twaddle being ‘she survived cancer, crawled over broken glass from her hospital bed all the way back to the Beehive in order to serve the nation – so what a pack of ungrateful rotters they are in Tauranga for voting against such “nice” people‘. Ugh, barf.

Earlier in the week Allan, almost certainly in response to concerns raised in Labour focus groups, jumped up and was highly critical of people using the Maori language in a token way. See how ‘nice’ she is?

I am not a cynical sort of chap; but does anybody else get the impression a $1000 bet on Kiri Allan becoming the next PM, when Ardern heads off abroad for good in September, is a ‘sure thing’? That Ardern’s final act as Prime Minister of New Zealand will be to remind a certain Finance Minister how often he treated her as a joke 10 to 15 years ago…but there are (ahem) ‘no hard feelings’?


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