How many times have we heard it from the media-political establishment?
Misinformation”, “harmful disinformation”, “conspiracy theories”. The legacy media love to fling around such buzz-words even more gaily than they do with their other favourite slogans, “fascist”, “Nazi” and “white supremacist”.
Except we know they’re lying. They know we know they’re lying. But, compulsive liars that they are, they just can’t help themselves.
The “15-minute city” concept is having more than 15 minutes of fame. That’s thanks to conspiracy theorists bashing the urban planning idea, saying it comes as a way to control city populations.
Here’s the rub, though: it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true. It’s a conspiracy fact.
The basic framework of a 15-minute city is that everyday essentials, such as grocery stores, transit stops, schools, parks and plenty more all come within a 15-minute walk or bike ride from your home. In 2015, a Paris-based professor named Carlos Moreno introduced his 15-minute city idea during a TED Talk, initially to help planners combat climate change and our society’s dependence on vehicle transportation.
In 2023, though, the 15-minute city extends beyond climate change and walkable neighborhoods. More than a few critics on social media – especially TikTok – have taken over the idea by saying any renewed push for the 15-minute city is simply a way to control citizens, track movements, limit mobility and eventually create prison-like zones.
They’re saying it because that’s exactly what “15-minute city” advocates are telling us they are.
Think of it like a climate lockdown, the conspiracy theorists say.
Popular Mechanics
Again, because that’s exactly what the proponents are telling us they are.
They’re not even hiding it.
The conspiracy theory has been circulating on Twitter, TikTok and Instagram, stemming from proposals in the UK and Canada. Nearly all the videos inject made-up details.
“You’re going to have to apply for a fucking permit to leave your zone,” the TikToker says.
It’s not a “made-up detail” when they’re telling us explicitly that that’s exactly what will happen.
Private cars will not be allowed through without a permit […]
They will be enforced by automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras. Unauthorised vehicles going through can therefore be identified.
Let’s Talk Oxfordshire
People can […] apply for a permit to drive through the filters, and into other neighbourhoods […] A maximum of three permits a household will be allowed where there are several adults with cars registered to the address.
Oxfordshire Mail
No matter how the lying shills of the legacy media try and hoodwink us, the facts are there, in the open. It’s not a “conspiracy theory”. It’s simple fact.