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“Why aren’t you kneeling? Listen to me, I’m a white leftist!” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

You gotta hand it to them: outside the Balkans or some feuding Appalachian hillbillies, nobody hates with quite the undying passion of the left. Case in point: former rugby player and scribbler of alleged ‘histories’, Peter FitzSimons. “Pirate” Pete has pursued record-breaking rugby player Israel Folau with a tenacity exceeding even his vain attempts to hide his receding hairline.

If you’d thought that even inveterate champagne leftists like FitzSimons would be content with having hounded Folau out of Australia for his wrongthink on gay marriage, think again. Now, FitzSimons is attacking Folau, all the way away in far-off Catalan, for refusing to literally kneel at the altar of the leftist vanity du jour.

Israel Folau was at the centre of fresh controversy when he opted against taking a knee in a Super League anti-racism protest, a decision backed as a “personal choice” by his coach.

A “controversy” only in the incestuous echo-chamber of leftist Twitter (a tautology, I admit).

Folau, 31, playing for Catalans Dragons, raised eyebrows at the kick-off against champions St Helens in Leeds when he remained standing while other players and officials dropped to their knees in support of the Black Lives Matter cause.

“As a group of players and coaching staff, we spoke about it in depth and as a club we are completely against racism and all for equal opportunity,” said Dragons coach Steve McNamara.

“But there were some players and staff who made the decision not to take the knee.”

As well they shouldn’t. Not only is “anti-racism” the Big Lie of BLM (in reality, a deeply racist, black supremacist movement), but why on earth should rugby players in Spain ape the latest onanistic cretinism of the American left?

taking a knee at sports events has become increasingly common in recent weeks. However, a number of Formula One drivers have opted to stand instead in pre-race protests.

On Friday, Jonathan Isaac of the Orlando Magic became the first NBA player not to kneel during the national anthem since the league resumed last week in Florida.

The sight of multi-millionaire ball-bouncers and car-drivers ‘protesting oppression’ is a spectacle of mindless conformity exceeded only by its hypocrisy. At the very same time as NBA players kowtow to an evidence-free leftist conspiracy theory, they refuse to say a word about their paymaster’s complicity in running a vast network of gulags and brutal “training camps” in the modern-day equivalent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Not that you’ll hear a word about that from Pete.

“Why aren’t you kneeling? Listen to me, I’m a white leftist!” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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