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The PM Needs to Come Clean on ‘Political Dynamite’

dynamite explosive explosion blow up
Come clean” on He Puapua Prime Minister “the Government needs to explain its position

– University of Auckland’s Dr Claire Charters, who chaired the Declaration Working Group that produced the report. May 3, 2020
“A covert 20-year plan to establish Maori sovereignty is political dynamite. Graham Adams argues it represents a real threat to the Prime Minister’s reputation as open and transparent.”

– Victoria University of Wellington’s ‘Democracy Project’. “Ardern in the gun over He Puapua” May 3, 2020

Last Sunday’s Star-Times editorial on Judith Collins‘s anti-separatist speech played down the determination of the radicals infesting our halls of power for the full He Puapua plan to be adopted exactly as Collins said, by “stealth” (to steal, as in the night, while we were sleeping), saying:

“Maybe Collins is hoping for her foreshore and seabed moment in another Government report, He Puapua. It looks at how New Zealand can deliver on the UN declaration on the rights of indigenous people, including a potentially contentious debate about self-determination, which Collins is labelling as racially divisive. Perhaps that’s why the Government seems to have parked it since it was written in 2019.”

Make no mistake, He Puapua is not parked up, far from it.

He Puapua is up and running. That it’s been hidden away but secretly implemented is the modus operandi of a certain ‘Captain’s call’-type personality.

There’s recent evidence of how advanced and deeply structurally ingrained the means, methods and mantras of the subversive He Puapua plan already are. Consider this fragment from the document, where we have a scenario of separate Maori Health, Housing, Justice and Social agencies already established, and prioritised, but alarmingly, these are not to be accountable or transparent, since no observation of outcomes, or results, or even of the data collected, is permitted – except by and to Maori:

Does that sound a step too far, too Mickey-Mouse, too undemocratic, too third-world banana-republic to ever be inflicted on a modern democracy?

Do you believe the most transparent government ever would not consent to such separatism? Think again, and heed this, from an interview recorded, prior to Ms Collins’s speech, on April 29, 2020, about the aims and aspirations of the new “Maori Health Authority” currently being established under Ardern, guided by her ‘He Puapua’ playbook.

“There’s some principles of how we do this that allows for Maori autonomy and Maori sovereignty in doing this, and so, we’re going to create some more permissions as we do them, we’re going to talk about Maori data-sovereignty; Maori, about us, our data, we’ve got to have Maori governance over our data, that’s a really important principle.”

[From 8.45′] RNZ

Are those ideas straight from the divisive He Puapua? Or just simple coincidence, a fluke?

The ‘Maori Health Authority’ is not a ‘health initiative’, it is a ‘He Puapua’ initiative embracing segregation and thwarting scrutiny, endorsed and encouraged by Ardern, under stealth. Perhaps it should be called “Her Puapua”.

Be ready; New Zealand. Those behind ‘Her Puapua’ will not give up. This will be a long and dirty fight. We should be grateful to Ms Collins, and to Mr Seymour who raised questions much earlier, in being courageous enough to throw the gauntlet down at the feet of the racial separatists intent on dividing us into Ardern’s dream republic; not New Zealand, nor Aotearoa, but some sort of monstrous two-headed Frankenstein-cum-Hydra dystopian dump.

Photoshopped Image credit The BFD.

Welcome to Frankensteinia. Brought to you by Jacinda Ardern. ‘Her Puapua’.

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