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Photo by NDE. The BFD.

David Seymour
ACT Party Leader

Stuart Nash was the only Labour minister listening to the people of Hawke’s Bay about crime. But sadly he was hapless and incapable of convincing Chris Hipkins, who repeatedly denied there was a problem.

As usual, Nash broke the rules, trying to jawbone the Police Commissioner into making an operational decision.

He starts his text to Andrew Coster by saying “Not as Police Minister”. As a rule of thumb, if you have to say you’re not the Police Minister, then maybe you are.

Much as with Kiri Allan, Nash failed to understand he’s a minister at all times.

The Police Minister is not Harry Potter; he didn’t have an invisibility cloak to hide his ministerial warrant whenever he chose.

What is more important, Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti residents were left terrorised while the only Labour Government minister who listened did not have the legal power to deploy Police. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, who had the legal power to deploy the New Zealand Defence Force in support of Police, would not listen or act.
