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Dear Editor

“Go get the booster” demand all our politicians, yet not one single one of them have acknowledged my issue.

I watched Chris Luxon speaking with reporters a week or so ago about our traffic light system. Whilst he came across well and seemed to have given a lot of thought as to what he would do if he were in charge, he didn’t once address my issue. Because he failed to do that, he doesn’t get my vote in 2023.

I had the vaccine last year and I am still suffering from side effects. Yet Chris Luxon, Bishop and all their cohorts in parliament are now on the TV telling me I must get the booster. Not a single one of them has acknowledged people like me, who have suffered side effects from the first round. Instead, they seemed to have hopped on the Labour Party bandwagon of making me, and others in a similar situation, feel like we are 2nd class citizens.

Chris Luxon didn’t seem to know or understand that people like myself, are facing a huge dilemma. My vaccine pass expires in May. If I don’t have the booster (And I will bet my bottom dollar that the booster will be mandated by then) then I become a 2nd class citizen in the country of my birth due to circumstances beyond my control.

Chris Bishop has been very good at telling us what Labour are doing wrong, but his party have ignored one big glaringly obvious error that they are making. That being to join the chorus of the Labour Party and demand I get my butt down to my nearest vaccination centre and get that jab put into my arm and “who cares” what another booster is going to do to someone like me who is still recovering from the 1st round.

I’ve voted for National since 2008. I don’t think I will be in 2023. Why? Because it no longer makes any difference to me who is in government.

Katherine Halloran
