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The Racism That Dares Not Speak Its Name

The BFD.

The left is very keen on racism and want to keep it alive at all costs. Like Greta Thunberg seeing CO2, the left sees racism everywhere except when it is the racism that dares not speak its name. If a woman with brown skin misses out on a job they scream racism. If someone criticises the political views of a man with brown skin the left cry racism. If someone points out that statistically members of a particular race abuse and kill their children way more than other races the left cry racism.

One type of racism, however, is treated very differently.

This particular race, unlike every other race that the left defends with mad passionate intensity (with the glaring exception of white people of course), is told with monotonous regularity that they do not know racism when they see it.

I am referring of course to Jewish people. Dane Giraud over on Shalom Kiwi has written about this very phenomenon with the headline, We want to call out antisemitism, so why won’t they let us?

[…] Most of New Zealand’s minority communities have clear definitions of what they consider to be racist or bigoted, and our society adheres to them every day. When, say, a Maori, or a person of Asian origin insists something is racist, people tend to take their claims seriously, if not completely at their word.
But Jews are a real outlier here. We are not allowed to say, “that’s racist”, with the freedom others can. When I exposed the Secretary of the Palestine Solidarity Network’s peddling of neo-Nazi tropes […] National Chair John Minto dismissed me outright, responding by email (and I quote) “I’m never surprised at the lengths such people will go to try and construe anti-Semitic comments from criticism of the history, racist policies or sheer brutality of the Israeli government and the IDF.”
In truth I barely tapped a keyboard let alone went to “lengths”; I simply placed a series of the PSNA Secretary’s offending Tweets next to some extracts from “The Daily Stormer” website – one of the most notorious white supremacy websites on the planet – to show that the content was identical. The so-called “criticisms? An accusation that a prominent Jewish community member was disloyal to New Zealand and was in effect an Israeli agent, another claiming Jews puppet the NZ National Party, and one suggesting Jews were behind 9/11.
How do any of these putrid conspiracy theories amount to criticism of Israel?
We’re currently operating in an environment where, when it comes to Jews and Jews alone, anything goes. It’s all, including literal white supremacist thought, “legitimate criticism”.
This is a problem.
[…] We, in the Jewish community, know what antisemitism is. After thousands of years, antisemitism really hasn’t changed all that much in its core messaging.

Shalom Kiwi

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