Here is the question. If the information on the Hunter Biden laptop was exposed so all could see, would it have changed the result of the election?
One can argue no and that’s fine. But it does open the argument up for the other side of the issue.
Now let’s look at what is being hidden today. Suppose this was all on a laptop that if equally exposed by an objective scientific community [whose] thumb was not on the scale, the public could look at and absorb.
This is the correlation of Co2 to temperature:
A steady rise since the 1950s in Co2 and an overall rise in temps but two noticeable deviations from the correlation.
Now look at total solar irradiance and increased water vapor:
This means that relatively small increases will make the biggest differences in temperatures where its coldest and driest, which is exactly what we are seeing in the distorted warming pattern of today. So why are we not quantifying this the same way we quantify Co2, which has no such linkage?
Contributing to the increase in WV may be the underwater volcanic activity that we know little about and chose to ignore anyway.
Are not the geothermal and solar aspects correlated better than the man-made aspect? Yet the man-made aspect is assumed to be the cause?
What is more, circling back to that steady rise in Co2, why for the first 30 years or so there was no response in the ocean?
But then the response occurred when the geothermal activity increased.
CO2 rose the entire period but the oceans only warmed when the geothermal increases occurred. If no oceanic warming, the amount of warming in the air would be much less. 1) Less water vapor put into the air to affect temps and 2) less outgoing long-wave radiation, since the earth would be cooler. Co2 absorbs outgoing, not incoming, radiation, so whatever it does cannot occur without OLR. Its “feedback” only penetrates the top mm or [so] of the ocean, while some sunlight does go down much further, and, of course, since we know next to nothing about the actual input of heat from the earth’s core, that may be tipping the scale. At least the correlation would make one suspect it is possible.
Now what if all this was on a laptop that was hidden from you? And all you saw was what people in control wanted you to see? Would it affect the outcome of your thought?
The common linkage is something I wrote about in this blog. That is deception distortion, delusion.
You can write all you want on individual aspects of any issue today. But it dances around the issue of what is behind all of it. A common thread of those three things and the willingness to hide the whole picture for a cause that seeks to destroy our freedoms. What was on that laptop was in the hands of authorities and was purposely hidden for a purpose. All the Covid data was hidden for a purpose. Data on every single major aspect of American life has been hidden or not given an equal voice. I realized after the super Niño of 2015 and the obvious direct linkage to temperature step up due to water vapor release, that this had very little to do with science anymore. (BTW as I forecasted back in April
Now that the left is waking up to the fact this is a strong El Niño, they are jumping on the rise coming. which anyone with common sense should then say, well if El Niños are natural and you can plainly see the step-up function with the strong event, how is the bulk of the warming, not natural?
Can you understand what is going on here? The relentless push against looking at other long-standing natural drivers in an effort to diminish nature and attribute control to an authority that seems to fancy themselves as knowing better. Is the linkage to Hunter Biden’s laptop far-fetched? Not in motive.
Would America be better off with policies that encouraged energy growth from the sources that have led to our prosperity than where we are headed now? Then link both your answers to the fact that crucial aspects are hidden from you to shape your thought.