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The True Legacy of Jacinda Ardern

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I’ll admit I haven’t watched Jacinda’s farewell speech: can’t be bothered. The most I’ve seen of it is Luxon the Wet giving her a big smiley hug.

Let’s start at the beginning of her legacy. I don’t mean Winston thrusting her into the role of PM, but her speech as President of the International Union of Socialist Youth where she used the word comrade repeatedly. A warning of what was to come.

Then we have Winston appointing her PM. Many of you put full blame on Winston but to be fair he says National gave him no choice. How true this is I don’t know. But we all know the result.

Now we come to the event that arguably saved her from becoming a one-term prime minister. Of course I’m talking about the Christchurch shooting, where she donned a scarf and gave out a few free hugs. The media will say this represents her legacy of kindness. In truth the result was a disastrous gun buy-back scheme that resulted in guns getting into the hands of criminals leading to a massive increase in gun crime.

Jacinda claimed that climate change was her nuclear moment, or something like that. Her legacy? Destroying an entire industry. In 2020 we imported more than a million tonnes of coal. This in the same year she claimed a climate emergency.

Her achievements with regards to child poverty? The life blood of the economy is small business. So what did she do? Put small business out of business. Fewer small businesses means fewer jobs. Fewer jobs means less money. Less money means more child poverty. All in the name of saving granny. And not just any granny but grannies who sooner rather than later would have died of some cause other than Covid.

That said, apparently, according to the government and the media, there is a job boom. I call BS on that. I suppose there is a job boom, provided you can say “Would you like fries with that?” or climb scaffolding (by the way, don’t count on the building boom lasting much longer).

Housing? How many new houses out of the 10,000 target has Kiwibuild built? Five, 10, 20?

Now we come to the big one: Covid.

All Jacinda did was follow the Chinese Government, the most evil, dictatorial regime in the world, and ironically the very source of Covid.

Despite what the media says, at no point did she keep Covid out of the country. The most she did was achieve zero-Covid.

But even that isn’t actually true. With regard to the first wave, Covid cases started diminishing before the lockdowns kicked in. In other words, Covid did what viruses always do and Jacinda just rode the wave.

If you can’t keep drugs out of prisons then you can’t keep them out of the country. If you can’t keep drugs out of the country, then you definitely can’t keep a virus out. Of course you can try, and split up families and keep relatives from saying goodbye to dying loved ones.

And finally, when her popularity started plummeting, she turned and ran, saying she had nothing left in the tank. Yet another lie.

I could talk about how she steadfastly refused to say what side she was on with regards to the cannabis referendum, how she lied and divided the country with regard to the vaccines, how, under the guise of saving them, she bought the media, and her disdain for those who lost their jobs and their homes. But I won’t.

I’ve already said enough.
