There are plenty of Big Lies spewing from the transgender movement. Not least the core claim that men can become women, or that hacking off girl’s breasts and putting children on crippling puberty blockers is “care”.
But the next-biggest whopper is the endlessly-repeated lie that “transgenders” are suffering genocidal violence at the hands of “cisgender” people.
Now, that’s disinformation.
If anyone has anything to fear about violence, it’s the rest of us, from the trannies. Not only are transgenders statistically at less threat of murder than the general population, UK statistics show that they are twice as likely to be murderers than murdered.
British women’s prisons are forced to put up with violent “transgender” predators.
The same is happening in Canada.
A shocking new Correctional Service of Canada study has revealed that 44% of male-to-female transgender inmates are behind bars for sexual offences.
The study — entitled Gender Diverse Offenders with a History of Sexual Offending — reveals a troubling pattern of violence among the convicted.
Researchers in Sweden found that “MtF transitioners were over 6 times more likely to be convicted of an offence than female comparators and 18 times more likely to be convicted of a violent offence.”
UK data also shows an astonishingly disproportionate rate of sex offending among transgender prisoners. Just 3.3% of female prisoners were sex offenders, compared to 16.8% of men. But “transwomen” left them both in the shade: a shocking 58.9% of “transwomen” prisoners were violent sex offenders.
The Canadian study repeats the same grim pattern.
Among the findings:
— Of the 99 inmate sample group, 44% of the trans women convicts are sex offenders.
— 82% of gender-diverse offenders were trans-women with an average age of 42 years old and almost half were serving “indeterminate” sentences.
— Two-thirds (66%) had low reintegration potential. About 64% of these offenders had committed a “current sexual offence,” while 88% had previously been convicted for sexual offences. About 94% committed their crimes while living as their biological sex.
— The vast majority, 85%, were convicted of violent crimes that caused death “or serious harm” to their victims (58% of whom were children or women).
What’s perhaps most surprising is that the uber-“progressive” Trudeau government ever allowed such an investigation to happen in the first place. It’s one thing to suspect such a pattern, quite another to have a government study proving it.
“We’ve known this all along,” former federal inmate and advocate Heather Mason told The Toronto Sun. “But I’m really surprised they did this study. It’s pretty damning.”
Also repeating the UK data is the outsized number of “transgender” murderers.
“The study also shows that 41% of trans-women are in for homicide-related crimes while with male inmates it’s only 21%,” Mason said, adding that the study also revealed that in just four years, the number of trans inmates almost doubled.”
Toronto Sun
But sure, keep telling us that it’s the trannies who are quaking in fear of the rest of us. That really is disinformation.