“In an age of deceit and tyranny, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.
– George Orwell
Trying to get facts out, on the worst medically-= inspired disaster in history, really is like pushing manure uphill. So people have a lot to lose to the truth.
The information comes in to us just fine – in fact it is everywhere if you care to get your head out of the sand – but this age of medical death and disaster is characterised by various elements of suppression – denial, obfuscation, distraction, threats, attacks, censorship.
And yet no one should be denying the tsunami of stories in government-sponsored media (which always ignores the elephant of causation) about sudden deaths and turbo cancers affecting, notably, younger Kiwis. The rich, attractive and powerful are not immune either. Is legacy media taunting us by reporting these sad stories whilst ignoring the elephant of causation, or genuinely clueless themselves? They should pop onto the internet, where myriad Substack and X accounts (to pick the least censored), and video-hosting sites, record heart-breaking compendia and montages of previously happy healthy people getting dead or damaged by their government jabs, including doctors. Populist and unsubstantiated? Much evidence and references say not.
To help counter the resistance to acknowledging the Pfizer mass-casualty event by the many NZ government employees guarding the truth from the light, we created a Truth Post page, were health care “insiders” – plus others with corroborating professional insights – tell what they know.
In reading all these posts, a number of themes are validated repeatedly, and from across the board of health system occupations.
- Jab injuries – very frequent, frightening, often fatal, widespread, untreatable, denied, covered up or ignored. Just as with the many accounts directly from patients, including to our treating doctors on the NZDSOS helpline, we hear of hospital doctors, nurses or GPs quietly admitting causation, but fearful for their jobs, and there being many others just like the patient they are treating. And note the many health workers getting severe adverse effects.
- Orders to not report to the side effect surveillance systems eg CARM (which is voluntary only, anyway).
- Refusal of vax exemptions to obviously jab-damaged patients.
- Cardiac symptoms are very frequent, and obviously debilitating. Much research proves the widespread nature, and many mechanisms, of prolonged non-trivial symptoms.
- Long-serving, dedicated expert health workers being thrown in the bin at the slash of a manager’s pen – when the system, and the country, is being abandoned by disgusted or sick employees in their droves. Some managers and bureacrats, whilst doubtless ” just following orders”, have a bumpy realisation ahead of them when they contemplate their unthinking complicity.
- Correlation from other industries. If none of the above were true, insurance brokers, funeral homes and probate lawyers wouldn’t be run off their feet also.
We have many much briefer snippets passed to us too that triangulate well with formal truth posts we receive. We are certain enough of the bedlam in the health system and the honesty of many reporters that they bear repeating. Like the ultrasonographer who is seeing many younger women with ovarian cancer; the young patient with a rare bowel cancer whose oncologist tells them this cancer is no longer rare; the cardiologists (multiple) telling their myocarditis patients there are many like them; the MoH worker seeing colleagues delete reports of vax injuries; obstetricians and midwives agreeing on surging cases of babies dying before and during labour; the lab worker analysing many more post-mortem samples from young deceased; ambulance officers told to no longer take a jab history at sudden medical events. And yet, other NZDSOS clinician supporters in a few smaller centres speak as if the rollout never happened – but those places are very light in post-vax injuries too, which affirms what we know of major batch variability, and clustering of deaths and injuries, geographically, and over time. OIA responses converge clearly on the truth of “hot lots”.
NZ mortality rates have been high since the rollouts started, despite lies by some high profile health people, and this is a pattern repeated around the world. Proof continues to emerge. White clots in the vaccinated are frequent and extensive, and a hypothesis has emerged to explain them, but their simple existence is a rock solid reality.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it”
– Upton Sinclair
So it can’t be said clearly enough: the outrageous denial of jab damage by those in charge signifies extreme danger to all of us and our way of life. Our descendants will pay the price for our failure to respond.
Courageous Truth Telling
What to do? Keep telling the truth and hope that enough people will understand, then move collectively to rescue themselves from this war raging against peace and freedom.
If you are a health worker or other relevant profession with important information, please share it anonymously as a truth post, here, or, if you’d prefer to discuss directly in private, contact us here.
As the truth mountain enlarges, more people will come to stand upon it.
This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science.