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Photo by Wolf Zimmermann. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The Wellington mayor and Council are the most criticised of any in New Zealand, and not without cause.

Wellington last had a decent mayor twelve years back with Kerry Prendergast, now deservedly a Dame. She remains one of the busiest people I know, notwithstanding being seventy-one.

The current incumbent, Tory Whanau, was a shoo-in with woke Wellington, given her winning credentials of being female and a Maori, but such has been the justified criticism she’s copped, she should be bum-rushed out next time. She can still save herself however, by coming out, as the saying goes.

A female Maori lesbian will be a winning formula with Wellington’s wets. A final cap on re-election would be for Tory to have a limb amputated and be in a wheelchair.

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