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Bob Jones

The incoming government will have such a huge majority as not to need New Zealand First.

I believe New Zealand First will easily crack the 5% mark as Winston, being half Maori, alone feels safe addressing the big issue upsetting New Zealanders, namely outrageous co-government propositions, Maori favouritism and the like.

He’s pulling sizable audiences of older folk, a sector noted for their high voter turn-out.

While the National-ACT coalition won’t need NZ First to form a government, they’d be mad not to give Winston a Cabinet post. Better to have him inside the tent, than sniping at them from outside.

The Labour opposition will be a mess, such will be their decimation and the new government may take the view that no one (rightly) takes attacks from the Greens and Maori Party seriously. That leaves Winston, a problem easily avoided by including him, and possibly Jones in minor Cabinet roles.

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