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There Is No Kindness in Ardern

Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

I’ve tongue in cheek called Jacinda Ardern the Cruella DeVil of New Zealand politics and I’ve called her evil. But after watching a livestream from Chantelle Baker yesterday that brought tears to my eyes, I am now of the opinion that she is not evil but also a sociopath.

Wikipedia describes a sociopath as:

… a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others. Although behaviors vary in degree, individuals with this personality disorder will typically have limited compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure, and frequently manipulate and deceive other people. While some do so through a façade of superficial charm, others do so through intimidation and violence. They may display arrogance, think lowly and negatively of others, and lack remorse for their harmful actions and have a callous attitude towards those they have harmed.


The bold sections are my highlights and are to show just how much of a fit she is for classic sociopathy. Some of you are probably rolling your eyes right now, but look at the facts.

Jacinda Ardern has trampled the rights and freedoms of Kiwis and has shown scant regard for the rule of law since the very start of the lockdowns when they were illegal. She has used the complicit media, along with biddable scientists to manipulate and deceive everyone as to the real risks of Covid. Her superficial charm is legendary and her willingness to send in the Police to arrest, beat and harass people, and especially the protestors is evidence enough of her willingness to use intimidation and violence.

Naked woman pulled by her hair by NZ Police. She was pulled out of the crowd.

Her arrogance and belittling of protestors is also classic sociopathy and her callous attitude towards people her policies have demonstrably harmed through ill-conceived economic policies, covid regulations and mandates and ignoring the building numbers of vaccine injured prove it undoubtedly.

Now watch this video. If you don’t shed tears then you need to have a good hard look at yourself in the mirror:

It is just cruel to treat people like that. The mandates have been exceptionally cruel. People should not have been forced into taking medications, forced to choose between a job and their family or losing it all.

It was never about health, it was about control, and the Prime Minister used that control to manipulate people into taking a medication they did not want, and many did not need.

The mandates need to end. There is no freedom until we are all free.

If you can get to the protest do so. If you can’t then start doing what I have been imploring you to do for a very long time. Say no to masks, say no to scanning, say no to testing, say no to vaccine passes. Stop encouraging them. The time for politeness is over, it is time to stop being fearful and time to take back control of your own lives.

There are now just two sorts of people left in New Zealand now.

  • People who want to live in a free, open and truly democratic society.
  • People who genuinely want dictatorial leadership and who want to be told how to live.

Choose, get on the right side of history. Do not support political parties that do not embrace freedom. We know where Labour stands, they are against freedom. We know where National stands, they have abandoned their founding principles and told us that they’d be just the same as Labour but would have been faster and harder and earlier at stomping the jackboot of the state all over your freedoms. The ACT Party are charlatans, mouthing empty words about free speech, but attacking those of us who took to the streets to practice what they preach.

Politics is about to be ripped asunder. Choose freedom and abandon all others.

Who has the power? We have the power!

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