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This Challenges Everything You Have Been Told to Believe

Photo by Darius Bashar. The BFD

Dr. Guy David Hatchard

Guy is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data.

Bombshell revelations reported this weekend by The Australian, a leading broadsheet owned by the Murdoch group, have huge implications for pandemic policy here in New Zealand. They should completely change public perceptions and understanding of the Covid landscape. These implications include legal liability, safety of public health measures, future pandemic responses, and personal health choices.

The Weekend Australian leads with an investigative article entitled‘Covid Cover-Up: How Science was Silenced’covering a chilling admission of guilt from Robert Kadlec—former Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Health at the US Department of Health. Kadlec told The Australian that he, Dr. Fauci and National Institute of Health Director Francis Collins privately discussed how to turn down the heat on China in the early days of the pandemic by playing down concerns about a lab leak from Wuhan.

Kadlec said “I think Tony Fauci was trying to protect his institution and his own reputation from the possibility that his agency was funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers who, beyond the scope of the grants received from the National Institutes of Health, may have been working with People’s Liberation Army researchers on defensive coronavirus vaccines.”

‘Defensive coronavirus vaccine research’ is a euphemism for military-funded gain of function research to mutate deadly pathogens in order to explore the creation of vaccines for use in the event of a bio-war.

Kadlec admitted, “We think vaccine research resulted in the pandemic—that vaccine research was the proximate cause.”

As a result, Kadlec said “we decided to encourage a group of leading international scientists to calm down speculation on the origin of the virus.”

The front page Australian article dated 29th July 2023 and three other articles on subsequent pages of the same edition, all covering the explosive admissions, are hidden behind an expensive online paywall shared with the WSJ but you can view a photo of the newspaper here and examine more detailed evidence here.

It comes on top of leaked private communications showing that leading scientists, very publicly debunking the lab leak theory, in actuality believed it was almost certainly correct. At the time, my own communications with top scientists working in the gene therapy field showed that it was widely understood that the genetic structures associated with the Covid spike protein were man-made, yet saying so could lose you your job.

If you are new to this kind of discussion, you are probably asking why haven’t we seen articles like these here in New Zealand? The answer is revealed by a reporter from ABC News, talking with colleagues from the Sydney Morning Herald and the Australian which was inadvertently caught on a hot mic. One describes it as ‘annoying and amazing’ that the lab leak theory now looks to be correct. The journalists admit that they never looked at the lab leak theory dispassionately, but relied on their ideological rejection of those asking questions. In other words, there was no credible investigation of the facts by mainstream media.

The implications for New Zealand of the latest Covid revelations

For three years we have been divided as a nation along the lines of vaccinated versus unvaccinated. It is now abundantly clear that both Covid and Covid vaccines originated from risky biotechnology research on mutated deadly pathogens.

Rather than a divided nation we could have been a united nation, standing shoulder to shoulder against novel biotechnology experimentation.

There is a need to spell out the technical implications of this. The engineered spike protein has features which are completely foreign to our immune system. At the start of the pandemic, our physiology had no evolutionary context or memory of fighting off these novel genetic sequences. It is now apparent that the spike protein has a toxic profile, especially for the heart and circulatory system. Thus Covid infection had both short and long-term unquantified implications for health. The various Covid vaccines were designed to teach our cells to produce Covid spike proteins in quantity, therefore the vaccines inevitably also had significant short and long-term implications for health dictated by their pathogenic design.

If we had known that Covid was an engineered pathogen, we would have recognised that concerns about Covid vaccine safety were legitimate.

New Zealand was misled by the US administration. The lesson here is very clear. New Zealand must be more circumspect to scrutinise the health information supplied to our nation from nations and institutions that are clearly tied to commercial endeavours seeking to profit from actions and policy decisions resulting from this information. This includes information received from the WHO, ICMRA, FDA, CDC, WEF, and possibly through Five Eyes. It is now clear that some information we received during the pandemic from these sources was unreliable. False and/or misleading information was received at multiple levels of government including Medsafe, the PM’s office, and probably our intelligence organisations. Yet New Zealand adopted a trusting perspective and vigorously acted upon it, possibly more stringently than other nations. The result has not just been policy missteps, but high rates of vaccine injury, excess deaths, economic hardship and lasting social division.

There is no doubt that PM Jacinda Ardern curated misplaced trust in foreign official sources. We now know these sources were editing scientific dialogue and results to suit commercial and geopolitical agendas.

In a gross error of judgement, Ardern’s department created a policy of exclusion aimed at those questioning the severity of Covid, the lab leak hypothesis, and Covid vaccine safety. This legitimised actions at every level of government and the judiciary to cancel those raising concerns. The Ardern government with the approval of opposition parties framed this as a moral crusade and pursued agreements with social media companies to exclude legitimate science and debate. In actuality, we were being played by foreign interests. Our sovereign independence was being undermined to an extent it never has been before. We were losing our right to choose as a nation, and thereby our right to choose as individuals. This illustrates the inherent bankruptcy of the globalist outlook as opposed to our traditional New Zealand outlook of self-determination. It highlights the need for extreme caution in a world of globalised information and media dilution of science.

How serious are the potential dangers?

In a globalised world, we have to be very circumspect of foreign interests which certainly do not coincide with those of New Zealand. Consider this article—New evidence of Beijing’s Covid cover-up and possible Wuhan lab leak revealed: China’s public health authorities cracked virus’ genetic code five DAYS before the world knew about the disease, scientist claims. China, like the US, was not sharing information, rather they were sharing disinformation, and they are likely to do so again in future.

The freewheeling attitude to biotech risk management was underlined this week by a horrifying article entitled “Unassuming warehouse in California turns out to be illegal Chinese-run virus laboratory that was genetically engineering mice and experimenting with HIV, herpes and malaria“. The safety rules governing biotechnology experimentation are simply inadequate for the task. Risky experimentation involving deadly pathogens at poorly secured locations are proliferating around the world. Worse, many are being funded by governments and legally sanctioned. The entire gene editing enterprise, whether safely contained or not, is fraught with unacceptable levels of risk and rife with accidents. Much publicity generated by commercial biotech interests is aimed at persuading the public that these serious risks are non-existent.

On top of this, we have to consider that politicians have little ability to reliably sort the significance of varying evidence when considering any complex scientific advice they receive. Consider this paper published in the Annals of Internal Medicine entitled “The Effect of Influenza Vaccination for the Elderly on Hospitalization and Mortality”, which studied 170 million episodes of influenza care and 7.6 million deaths among those over 64. It concluded back in April 2020:

“No evidence indicated that flu vaccination reduced hospitalisations or mortality among elderly persons. The estimates were precise enough to rule out results from many previous studies.”

Do we hear about this when being urged to take our flu shots? No. The media and the government have long since stopped caring about the exaggerations and profiteering of the pharmaceutical industry.

Across the board, the globalist agenda and the associated information network is driven by ideological priorities remote from our national interests.

Listen for example to John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, implying that agricultural production has to be curtailed to contain global warming. It doesn’t seem to bother John Kerry that he frequently travels by private jet. Nor does he seem to appreciate that modern civilization relies on agriculture which started in the Indus Valley 10,000 years ago. By a rambling circuitous route that lacks continuity of thought, Kerry arrives at the idea that because the world’s population is increasing we should reduce the global food supply, an argument worthy of concentration camp systems designed to work people to death. What does that mean for agricultural producers like New Zealand? This is being used to target New Zealand farmers. Our local supermarkets have swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker (see here). Remember, the US sees New Zealand as an agricultural competitor to be controlled rather than assisted. We need to become alert and look out for our own interests.

In the wake of this weekend’s revelations, we must appreciate that there are outstanding questions of legal liability.

We have covered some of these in our previous articles:

  • Were we sufficiently warned by Pfizer of the results of trials and post-marketing data indicating very high levels of vaccine adverse effects across a range of conditions? Apparently not.
  • Did our government decide to ignore concerning and unprecedented levels of domestic adverse effects of Covid vaccines because the US and UK authorities were spreading propaganda designed to dampen concerns around biotechnology in order to protect their commercial domination in the field of vaccine research, development and marketing? It appears so.
  • As a result, did the New Zealand Government, our health service, and the Accident Compensation Commission unfairly deny the existence of Covid vaccine injuries, dismiss patients without investigation or testing and withhold compensation? Yes, they did.
  • Did our courts trust government sources without requiring cross-examination of government witnesses, and thereby disadvantage appellants? Yes, repeatedly.
  • Is the NZ government still funding a disinformation project driven by ideology aimed at cancelling anyone asking questions about Covid origins, vaccine safety and pandemic policy? Yes, vigorously.

Unfortunately, none of these concerns are within the scope of the NZ All of Government COVID-19 Royal Commission of Inquiry which no doubt needs to be urgently widened ( of ToR for Royal Commission into COVID and any future pandemic.pdf).

In particular, the government seems to be unaware of the pitfalls of concluding an agreement which cedes our health sovereignty to the World Health Organisation (WHO). People working in distant offices in Geneva Switzerland, heavily influenced by the global pharmaceutical industry, are unlikely to fully appreciate the concerns of independent scientists and the unique interests of New Zealand and the health of its citizens. On past and present evidence, they are more than likely to work against our interests.

For example, a study published by the prestigious BMJ on 26 February 2020 entitled WHO’s malaria vaccine study represents a “serious breach of international ethical standards” details WHO’s disregard for the adverse effects of an experimental malaria vaccine called Mosquirix in Malawi, Ghana, and Kenya. The trial was projected to involve 720,000 children, yet previous clinical trials found a rate of meningitis in those receiving Mosquirix 10 times that of those who did not, increased cerebral malaria cases, and a doubling in the risk of death (from any cause) in girls. The article bemoans the complete lack of informed consent concerning these serious risks offered to the unsuspecting African child participants and their parents. This is vile. Sound familiar? The WHO 2030 Agenda expects that we will all receive hundreds of novel vaccines over the next ten years, but WHO can’t even manage a single vaccine without violating accepted ethical safeguards. Our government wishes to hand over control of our medical system to these people. Why?

In conclusion, the New Zealand government, the media, the health service and the judiciary have failed to seriously consider safety questions that have been repeatedly raised, despite them being backed by published data and studies. Precaution has been thrown to the winds. The public has been left in the dark because of ideological prejudice and an ill-conceived reliance on foreign authority, alien to our history of self-sufficiency and cultural integrity. This represents a collective failure of our national systems of governance, science, education, information, health and justice. We are waiting to hear words of caution from those among the major parties standing for election in October. Proceeding with our election without anyone in authority admitting and correcting these mistakes will initiate a nightmare journey to further national chaos.
