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This Is What the “Best Possible Health Response” Looks Like

labour pains
Image credit The BFD

Jacinda Ardern has been lying again. She has been touting her ‘brilliance’ at slaying the Covid beast to UK media, claiming we’ve had the “best possible health response” in the OECD. She of course neglected to address her chaotic rollout of RAT tests, the illegal lockdowns and ignoring health advice to remove MIQ, but she was a champion, especially when conjuring up dubious claims:

Speaking to the BBC, the Prime Minister said it was the “best possible health response”, pointing to New Zealand’s COVID-19 death rate that’s among the lowest in the OECD.

Ardern said recent poll results showing dropping approval ratings was her possibly paying the price of making sure “we’ve made the right decisions along the way, and that we can sleep at night”. A poll last month showed Ardern had dropped to her lowest preferred Prime Minister result since she took office in 2017.

The Prime Minister’s initial handling of the pandemic and New Zealand’s internationally heralded response to the first COVID-19 waves led her Labour Party to a historic majority election victory in 2020.

Since then, however, she has been criticised over the Government’s handling of the chaotic anti-mandate protest at Parliament earlier this year, being slower to reopen New Zealand’s borders than many other countries and a mounting cost of living crisis.


But do we really compare as favourably as the Prime Minister claims?

Let’s use the OECD’s own data and look at Covid’s unintended side effects, like neglect of breast cancer screening, where New Zealand was amongst the worst in the OECD, and waiting times for patients on the list for hip replacement surgery, where New Zealand was again amongst the worst in the OECD.

I’m not sure that is the “best possible health response” for those people.

The OECD statistics for acute care hospital beds per 1000 inhabitants also make sobering reading. There’s New Zealand, near the bottom of the OECD, with only Ireland, Israel, Canada, Chile, Sweden and Colombia below us:

Or intensive care capacity per 100,000 of population. There’s New Zealand second from bottom, just ahead of Mexico.

How about the OECD statistics for the numbers of doctors and nurses per 1000 inhabitants? Yeah, again New Zealand is nowhere near the top of the OECD there either:

While the prime Minister likes to spout claims that she and her Government are the best in the OECD for deaths from Covid, in many other health-related statistics, which are connected to the health response to Covid, we are languishing at or very near the bottom of OECD statistics.

And when you look at our case rate now that is also world-leading, just not in a way that is good.

I guess a total lack of natural immunity built up over the past 2 years plus a highly vaccinated population had a lot to do with why we have some of the highest rates of infection per capita.

Imagine how bad it would have been without the vaccines. Or all those restrictions.

Here are some more terrible health outcomes as a result of the tyrant’s policies:

The number of New Zealanders struggling with poor mental wellbeing has risen sharply during the Covid-19 outbreak, according to research obtained exclusively by the Herald, prompting calls from leading health figures for an urgent national recovery plan.

Polling for the Mental Health Foundation found that 36 per cent of people surveyed were experiencing poor emotional wellbeing, up from 27 per cent a year ago, an increase that the foundation says is significant and concerning.

The research adds to a body of evidence indicating that two years of unprecedented stress and disruption brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has had an enormous psychological toll on Kiwis – and that the burden is growing.

NZ Herald

Wellbeing was a catch word of this government. It turns out that we aren’t doing so well in the wellbeing stakes. Now, who made people anxious about Covid?

That’d be Jacinda Ardern and her cabal of fear porn pimps, their enablers in academia, and the corrupted media who subjected the population to unprecedented levels of relentless and sustained propaganda and mass formation to scare the bejesus out of them so they’d line up for experimental medications for a disease that has a 99.98% survival rate.

But don’t worry, the government has already spent a fortune on mental health that must have fixed all that….oh wait. So now they have not only spent a fortune to achieve nothing for mental health, they spent a fortune and made it worse.  All pretty much par for the course for this government. These are the “best possible health responses” that this government has delivered.

At least with the high vaccination rates people haven’t been getting sick:

And they haven’t been dying:

Note the booster deaths are now the largest; more than a hundred more than the “Not Fully Vaccinated”, and how Boosted/Fully Vaccinated now account for more than two-thirds of all deaths.

Why is no one in the media, or any political party saying, ‘Now hang on a minute, something ain’t right here.’

I suppose we can’t expect too much from National’s Covid Response spokesman when he is a shill for boosters, even going so far as ordering people in capital letters to GET BOOSTED in his Twitter handle. He’s quietly retired that though. I wonder why?

While we might not have had as many deaths as other OECD nations, we are also at least six months behind the rest of the world, and we are catching up fast. A health response does not, however, rest simply on one statistic. If you look at all health responses then this government is a categoric failure.

And they’ve delivered all that failure despite spending like a drunken sailor on a week-long bender. Now with inflation running rampant, the cost of living exploding and the economy on its knees, the bender is going to come to a sudden end.

Then people are going to get angry as the hangover will be felt by us all. When that happens the best possible response we could deliver would be to remove the current bunch of control freaks, wastrels and scoundrels from the parliament.

While Jacinda Ardern claims that we can all sleep well at night because of her brilliance with the health response, increasing numbers of Kiwi voters know that we will only be able to sleep well at night when we know she is gone and our living nightmare is at an end.

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Tocqueville was generous, both with his biting criticisms and his reverent praises, whereby as a matter of necessity due to one social system springing out of the other – like Athena from the head of Zeus – the democratic experiment was compared most obviously with its aristocratic parent.

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