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Thousands of Jobs at RISK as Government takes Aim at Film Industry

The BFD.

Press Release: National Party

The Government’s proposals for more regulation in New Zealand’s film industry will put jobs at risk, National’s Workplace Relations and Safety spokesperson Todd McClay says.

“Labour, the Greens and New Zealand First are seeking to repeal National’s legislation governing the film industry and impose collective agreements across the sector.

“Repealing the laws that encouraged films like the iconic Hobbit trilogy to be made in New Zealand isn’t just counterproductive, it’s harmful.

“The Government’s own advice shows that the current law is working to support more jobs and more investment into New Zealand.

“There is little to no evidence that the changes will do anything to help Kiwi workers. What we do know is that it will impose more cost and regulation on Kiwi businesses.

“They are seeking to remove flexibility from the industry, impose new costs onto employers and hand over more power to unions.

“The film industry brings in over $3 billion in revenue and creates tens of thousands of jobs.

“The Labour/Green/ New Zealand First Government’s changes will mean less investment in films with movie makers more likely to head offshore, which means fewer jobs in the film industry and an economy that will slow further.

“Instead of celebrating the success of New Zealand’s film industry, Labour, the Greens and New Zealand First seem intent on putting that success at risk.”

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