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baby in white goggles on white and blue high chair
Photo by Jimmy Conover. The BFD.

On Sunday we celebrated The BFD’s second birthday

cake with 2 candle
Photo by Kelly Sikkema. The BFD.

On the day we launched two years ago I set myself a target of growing The BFD from ground zero to 1000 subscriptions.

I know many may have thought that my goal was too ambitious and perhaps even foolish but it was that goal that kept me focussed.

Last night we gained our 997th subscription. We are so close now that I can taste it…

Last month we gained 42 new subscriptions and this month already we have had another 13 people subscribe.

Who is going to be our 1000th customer?
The BFD.

If you haven’t already subscribed why not do so today? You might make history by becoming our 1000th subscriber.

We are your Brash, Focused and Dedicated site for news, views and social commentary on issues locally and around the world, that matter to you.

Subscribe Now and help me to check off my first subscription target for The BFD.

baby in white goggles on white and blue high chair
Photo by Jimmy Conover. The BFD.
