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Today in the Grooming That Doesn’t Exist

short-coated black dog sitting
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon. The BFD.

Dogs may be man’s best friends, but for some men, they appear more to be friends with benefits.

As the Pox Which Dare Not Speak Its Name continues to run rampant through the “Pride” festival circuit, the first cases of “human to dog” transmission have been identified. According to The Lancet, a greyhound belonging to “a non-monogamous gay couple in Paris” has developed “an anal ulceration and mucocutaneous lesions” (“giant, swollen sores”, to you and I).

Obviously caught it off the toilet seat.

Just in case you thought that was enough internet for today, allow me to turn your stomachs just a little further.

The PhD researcher who has recently come under fire for his controversial research methods of masturbating to fantasy child porn as part of his doctoral studies, has also been discovered to have created magazines that feature sexualized photos of young boys. Interviews have also surfaced, in which Karl Andersson advocates for the acceptance of pedophilia, referring to attraction to adolescent boys as an “expression of homosexuality.”

Get that? “Gay men are pederasts” — it’s Science™.

It’s also bollocks, of course. But this does tell us a lot about the groomer agenda of the “Rainbow” activists (which, an increasing number of gays and lesbians are at pains to point out, is not synonymous with being homosexual).

Rather, this is just another front in the Queer Theory-driven agenda whose ultimate aim is the normalisation of paedophilia.

In a new report for Reduxx Magazine, Anna Slatz revealed further disturbing findings into Andersson’s past. Slatz uncovered two magazines Andersson created and distributed between 2006 and 2010, that aimed to sexualize adolescent boys and normalize pedophilia.

Andersson’s first venture, Destroyer Magazine, billed itself as “the leading international teenage boy magazine” and in every issue featured sexually suggestive photos of boys as young as 13 undressing.

“In Destroyer, I took everything to its limit,” said Andersson in an interview with Out magazine. “The boys were supposed to be very young and sexually mature.”

Oh, it gets creepier, believe me.

Many of the images in Destroyer are taken without the children’s consent. Andersson justifies this by equating his endeavors to photojournalism and suggests any criticism of his work is due to homophobia.

So, he’s just that creep down at the beach, surreptitiously taking photos of kiddies in their bathers.

In addition, Andersson published a second, even more graphic magazine called Breaking Boy News, which portrayed even younger teens in a sexually suggestive manner, and violence against animals.

“The stories focused on young boys committing violence against animals, girls, and each other, with a particular emphasis on pain and degeneracy,” reported Slatz.

Andersson was interviewed by Vice magazine 2012 about Breaking Boy News, a print magazine, newspaper and website that are no longer available. Andersson called it a “side-project” that he created after searching for “news stories about stuff like ‘boy murders’ and ‘boy rapes.'”

The Post-Millennial

What a charmer.

It won’t surprise you in the least, I bet, to find that he’s also openly pro-“NAMBLA” (“the North American Man-Boy Love Association”).
But groomers aren’t a thing, you bigot.
