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Silicon Valley has put itself above the President. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Kelli Ballard

National Correspondent at Kelli Ballard is an author, editor, and publisher. Her writing interests span many genres including a former crime/government reporter, fiction novelist, and playwright. Originally a Central California girl, Kelli now resides in the Seattle area.

Social media giants Twitter, Facebook, and Google are under a lot of scrutiny for their censorship practices, especially regarding conservatives. Over the past several months they have suspended or banned several voices from the right, including that of the former president. Parler, a site that caters more to conservatives, was shut down while others try to create their own platforms to be able to express and share their opinions. But when it comes to Donald Trump, it seems these media moguls are determined to prevent any of his messages from being posted, even if he is not the one posting. Apparently, even sharing words from Trump can get you banned.

Twitter banned a new account that had been set up with the purpose of sharing the former president’s messages from his new website, From the Desk of Donald J. Trump. The account, @DJTDesk, specifically said it was not Trump tweeting, and in one of its first posts, said:

“Former President Donald J. Trump is not Tweeting. Any post made, aside from replies like this one, are direct copies from the [desk]. Posts are made by Save America on behalf of the 45th POTUS, then distributed onto this platform.”

Donald Trump

Democrats Cry for Removal

That didn’t stop the naysayers from immediately reacting. Twitter was flooded with Democrats demanding that they “#RemoveTrumpJack,” referring to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. More than 20,000 comments racked up on the hashtag. A Twitter spokesperson explained the company’s decision to remove @DJTDesk’s account, saying, “As stated in our ban evasion policy, we’ll take enforcement action on accounts whose apparent intent is to replace or promote content affiliated with a suspended account.”

Twitter banned Trump because he was being accused of inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol “riot,” but although he was impeached, he was also acquitted for his alleged actions. Still, the media giants refuse to reinstate his accounts. On May 5, Facebook announced it would continue to uphold the ban on Trump’s account, prompting the billionaire to respond:

“What Facebook, Twitter, and Google have done is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country. Free Speech has been taken away from the President of the United States because the Radical Left Lunatics are afraid of the truth, but the truth will come out anyway, bigger and stronger than ever before.

“The People of our Country will not stand for it! These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price, and must never again be allowed to destroy and decimate our Electoral Process.”

The Backlash

RT’s report on the ban generated some interesting comments. One person wrote: “All conservatives should change their Twitter names to President Donald Trump for a week. What can Dorsey do? Delete millions of accounts and lose money in advertising? I don’t think so.” And another commenter suggested the “next Republican president” should ban all public servants and government officials from using those social media accounts for work-related information. Instead, something should be set up on the government website and news released there. “Twitter and Facebook will eventually get the competition they deserve.”

Unfortunately, until social media sites can be held responsible for censoring political beliefs and banning people they do not agree with, this sort of thing will continue to happen. As Poetic Justice commented:

“Freedom of speech is practised the most when is the least needed. It is not welcomed when it’s the most needed.”

And, as another pointed out:

“Everybody accuses China of censorship/communism/dictatorships. But look here, a former president, banned in a country that is supposed to be the champion freedom of speech/expression, etc…. it’s laughable because China doesn’t look so bad after all.”

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