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Two Govts under Tribal Rule Plan Moving Ahead?

Jacinda to Tiki. Concept credit Juana. Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Hobson’s Pledge Trust

It looks like Jacinda Ardern’s He Puapua plan to set up two governments under a tribal monitoring committee within the next 19 years is quietly rolling on. The steps so far are:

  1. The abolition of the right of local communities to hold binding referenda on Maori wards.
  2. Forcing Maori language and culture on to government departments and local authorities, while the state-funded media replaced news with separatist propaganda.
  3. Replacing English names of places, streets, towns, buildings, and government agencies with Maori names. Even the nation’s name “New Zealand” is being changed by stealth.
  4. Setting up a separate Maori Health Authority with veto rights over the entire health system.
  5. Transferring the marine and coastal area to Maori, with a precedent set two weeks ago by the High Court in the Bay of Plenty.
  6. Transferring ownership of the conservation estate to private tribal entities, as recommended by the Options Development Group.
  7. Imposing 50-50 council-tribal control over water through the Three Waters Reform.
  8. Imposing a revised history curriculum, that looks more like Maori studies, which intends to indoctrinate our children about the evils of colonisation.
Garrick Tremain’s website

If Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s review of local government follows the He Puapua plan, councils will consist of 50 per cent Maori seats.

Our petition against the segregated government’s plan has picked up 6581 signatures. If you have not done so already, click here to sign our petition Reject co-governance

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