The Zionist Federation of New Zealand
The UN has once again shown the world it is institutionally antisemitic. Not only does it try to erase all Jewish connection to the Land of Israel by only using Arab terms for places of Jewish significance, such as the Temple Mount, in its General Assembly resolutions, but it is in the UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) that antisemitism and bias against Israel is not just encouraged, but it would appear celebrated. In fact, the more biased against Israel and the Jewish people you are, the more likely you will get a plush job in a commission of enquiry against Israel.
This has most recently been seen by the UNHRC’s decision to set up an “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel”. There are several issues with this so-called “independent International Commission” being anything but ‘independent’ or unbiased. For a start, the Commission’s Chair Ms. Navi Pillay, is already on record falsely calling Israel an “apartheid state” which “treats international law with perpetual disdain.” She is clearly not impartial, and we can all guess before the Commission even starts the conclusions it will reach.
The Commission, for which New Zealand voted in favour, is unprecedented in that it is an on-going enquiry which has an annual budget of more than USD5,000,000 and will employ 24 staff. Compare this with a mere 20 full-time staff the UNHRC employs for its whole Asia department, and it is clear that this will just be another mechanism to demonise, delegitimise and apply double standards towards the world’s only Jewish State.
Call to action
There are several Israel Advocacy groups, including the Israel Institute of New Zealand, that have set up petitions to ask the UNHRC to abandon the Commission. If you haven’t signed one of these, then please do so ASAP as the commission is to begin its work very soon. However, to make this easier for you, please take a few mins and click on the link here which will take you directly to the Israel Institute of New Zealand’s petition.
Please pass this link onto any others you know who are supporters of Israel and the Jewish people, and even if we are unable to change the outcome of the UNHRC’s decisions on the Commission, they will at least know there many people who oppose their continued demonisation of the Jewish State and the only democratic country in the Middle East.
Thank you for your support