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VAERS Receives Massive NZ Data Transfer

Photo by geralt. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

In early December 2023, over 2,800 Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFIs) from New Zealand were published onto the the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), specific to Covid-19 injections. There are a number of ways to find this data, including at the VAERS website; or the US National Vaccine Information Centre (Medalerts). These systems are both cumbersome to use.

A number of alternative databases built by independent programmers are more user-friendly. OpenVAERS uploads the unedited VAERS data and offers a more accessible way to search and locate data. VAERSAware is another option, built by an anonymous “medical data expert keeping an Eagle’s eye on medical fraud“, tweeting at X as @welcomethieagle, writing at WelcomeTheEagle88 on Substack, and sharing videos at WelcomeTheEagle88 on Bitchute.

These independent teams are performing work which in a functional system would be undertaken by competent, uncorrupted and transparent analysts, scrutinising, interpreting and reporting data to the general public in lay-friendly terms. For now, those days are behind us, as in these times those with serious conflicts are in the positions with most influence. This situation was aptly described by Critical Care specialist Dr Pierre Kory in his recent discussion with Del Bigtree on The Highwire:

The science that we are presented with, especially in the high-impact journals, is highly curated … It’s really disorienting. I don’t know what to trust … You want people who are free of conflicts of interest…

In his 9 December Substack article, P8 BOMBSHELL!: New Zealand Data – VAERS Is Running Cover For NZ MOH!, Welcome the Eagle reported on 2,834 Covid-19 reports transferred into VAERS from New Zealand. This makes up 41% of the total 6,769 New Zealand reports received into VAERS for Covid-19 products. Similarly, a search in OpenVAERS shows that New Zealand has a total of 6,783 reports, of which 3,303 were received in 2023.

Many of the reports relate to people testing positive after receiving a dose of the vaccine. This comes as no surprise given that in Pfizer’s own Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorisation Adverse Events Report, 5.2% of all adverse event reports were classified as “drug ineffective” (lack of efficacy) and 4.6% of all adverse event reports were classified as “Covid-19 infection”. In regards to Vaccine Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) and Vaccine Associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD), the Pfizer document specifically states that “VAED/VAERD remains a theoretical risk for the vaccine“.

However, permanent disability, life-threatening conditions and deaths have also been reported in the latest data transfer. It is very difficult to interpret each individual’s full clinical picture based on the limited and disordered information supplied, and lack of follow up. This is in keeping with Pfizer’s obfuscation of cases such as trial participant Maddie de Garay, a 12-year-old with paralysis, gastroparesis, seizures and other severe symptoms, documented by Pfizer as “functional abdominal pain”.

Nevertheless, the data is extremely concerning and would normally more than suffice for a product withdrawal and full and complete investigation. That this has not yet happened, and is not being considered or planned, can only be explained by the evidence of a militarised attack on innocent civilians, as outlined by researchers such as Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt.

A select few of New Zealand’s recent VAERS reports are shared here as examples of the extreme harm occurring to our population, most of whom were at minimal risk of harm from the virus responsible for Covid-19 disease. All of these events are explained by the mechanisms of harm documented thoroughly by Doctors 4 Covid Ethics in their mRNA Toxicity publication and supported in the life insurance industry data, such as that documented thoroughly by actuaries and data analysts at Phinance Technologies’ Humanity Projects.

Most of these injuries and deaths have not been, and are not being investigated, and autopsies are not being performed.

  • VAERS ID 1660752, Female of unknown age, experienced fatal myocarditis. Date of vaccination and date of death unrecorded. Other medical issues (unnamed) occurring at the same time may have influenced the outcome. This case is possibly described here.
  • VAERS ID 1554837, 66yo Male received Dose 2 Comirnaty on 28 May 2021. Unknown date of death, but symptoms leading to death presented on 3 June 2021, as Agitation; Angioedema; Anxiety; Bronchospasm; Chest discomfort; Dizziness; Feeling of body temperature change; Headache; Injection site pain; Mouth ulceration; Pyrexia; Urticaria; Vomiting; Rash.
  • VAERS ID 1710513, 57yo Female received Dose 1 Comirnaty on 6 August 2021. Died in her sleep of a subarachnoid haemorrhage on 6 August 2021.
  • VAERS ID 1710518, 24yo Female received Dose 1 Comirnaty on 16 May 2021. Died following dizziness, haemorrhage, headache, lethargy, thrombotic stroke and blurred vision on 22 May 2021.
  • VAERS ID 2700427, 75yo Female received Comirnaty booster on 15 May 2023. Died one day later, following acute respiratory distress syndrome and pulmonary embolism.
  • VAERS ID 2700429, 27yo Female received (unknown dose) Comirnaty on 8 October 2021. Died 23 hours later, following chest discomfort, sinusitis, dyspnoea, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, cardiac failure.
  • VAERS ID 2701123, 15 Month old baby boy received (unknown dose) Comirnaty on 26 April 2023. Diagnosed with myocarditis, pulmonary oedema, respiratory depression, hypertension, dehydration on 17 May 2023. Outcome recorded as ‘not recovered’.
  • VAERS ID 1550034, 82yo Male received Dose 2 Comirnaty on 8 June 2021 and experienced a cerebral haemorrhage (haemorrhagic stroke) on the same day, documented as “not recovered”.
  • VAERS ID 1554842, 82yo Female received Dose 1 Comirnaty on 21 July 2021, followed by dyspnoea, embolic stroke, hemiplegia, hypoxia, pulmonary embolism on 22 July 2021, documented as “not recovered… remains in hospital under neurology service”.
  • VAERS ID 1555708, 43yo Male received Dose 2 Comirnaty on 8 May 2021, with same-day onset of necrotising pancreatitis; neutrophilia; abdominal pain and vomiting, considered to be caused by the vaccine.
  • VAERS ID 1590528, 59yo Male received Dose 2 Comirnaty on 1 July 2021. Experienced a cerebrovascular accident (stroke) on 12 July 2021.
  • VAERS ID 1590556, 57yo Female received Dose 1 Comirnaty on 11 May 2021. Experienced deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism on 13 May 2021.
  • VAERS ID 1634631, 36yo Male received Dose 2 Comirnaty on 13 July 2021. Six hours later developed chest pain. Diagnosed with pericarditis and costochondritis.
  • VAERS ID 1739631, 54yo Male received Dose 2 Comirnaty on 8 May 2021. An unspecified time later, developed severe flu like symptoms with very painful joints, worsening with time, deep abdominal pain and blinding headaches, not recovered.
  • VAERS ID 1800052, 26yo Male received Dose 1 Comirnaty on 13 September 2021. Experienced multi-systemic symptoms affecting vision, mobility, cardiac function, muscle and joint pains, cognition and more, resulting in disability.

Why are VAERS receiving reports from New Zealand and what is the process for this to happen?

Where is the transparency from our government, informing New Zealanders of the process of reporting?

Why did Medsafe – whose conflicts of interest are now well documented – cease publishing safety reports for these products in November 2022?

Given the response from Health New Zealand to Barry Young’s release of anonymised data using privacy as the basis for its extreme actions – one would expect individuals whose data appear in VAERS would be informed, and consent obtained. It is all very murky.  It seems it is only whistle-blowers, bloggers and citizen analysts who are looking at this and trying to make sense of it. And the conclusions are those of signficant harm caused by the injections while the benefits are minimal and brief at best.

We thus yet again call on the NZ government to halt immediately, the promotion of the covid injections, investigate the multiple anecdotes of death and injury and the contracts under which these injections were obtained, as well as the individuals instrumental in making this disaster happen. We challenge individuals who are working in Health NZ, Medsafe, the MCNZ and all the other regulatory and bureaucratic bodies to look at this information and say “all is well”. If you can’t, join NZDSOS, Barry and all the other concerned citizens who speak out. Not doing so will hang over your head for the rest of your life.
