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Victims Told to Avoid Parliament’s ‘Predator’

Photoshopped image credit: Luke

National party deputy leader Paula Bennett yesterday took to Facebook again on behalf of Labour party “victims.”  She repeated her claims that the accused is a Labour party staffer who works in Jacinda Ardern’s office. She said that the accused is senior to most of his victims and that the allegations being made are serious. She said that she knows the name of the accused and that one of the victims came to her because they believe that there are vulnerable young people still at risk.

She revealed that one of the victims was admitted to hospital because of the stress it has caused them.

Yesterday the alleged victims were told by the Labour party president that there would be an appeal process that would be run by a QC. Bennett has said that they feel it is a policy and process conjured up on the hoof without any consideration given to how an appeal process should be run. She also reports that they are unhappy that the process is not victim-led.

Paula Bennett really isn’t in a strong position to criticise the Labour party for this considering that when the shoe was on the other foot she arranged for the “victims” to be interviewed by Melanie Read in her office while she ‘supervised‘ the interviews.

The final decision for the victims, in this case, will rest in the hands of the Labour Party Council who the victims believe is not best qualified to make decisions like this because of the “inherent political influence that the accused is able to wield.

Considering that the alleged predator is in the employ of Parliamentary services and not the Labour party, I question why the Labour party is involved in the process at all. This is an employment matter involving the victims, Parliamentary services and their employee who has been accused of predatory behaviour. The Labour party should have nothing to do with the case and should be completely hands off.

According to Bennett, the victims claim that they were ignored by the Labour party when they asked for the process to be developed with a third party sexual abuse prevention agency and for time to be taken to get the process right.

Bennett also revealed that the victims are fearful of the accused and his power and “that it permeates from the Labour Party Head Office to staffers in the Prime Minister’s Office.” She also reports threats being made towards them from people that they described as “influencers.”. They told Bennett that 12 people in total over have complained and at least two of them had reported complaints to a named senior person in the Prime Minister’s office.

The alleged victims have claimed that the Labour party and Jacinda Ardern’s office are trying to distance themselves by stressing the ‘independence’ of the process.

I have now had three people come to me, asking that I continue going public with their concerns as they don’t feel they can. They are scared for themselves and others. They don’t feel that they have been listened to.
After confirming their identity to me, we discussed their options. I believe in a victim-led response, they felt powerless and the last thing they needed was me dictating what would happen. I suggested they go to the Police, or Parliament’s Speaker, along with other options. They asked me to go to the Speaker and to go public. They hoped people would see how serious they were that they had to speak to me, a National MP, to be heard.
I knew I would get criticised for going public with what they had told me, but I also knew I had to leave my politics and concerns for how I would be judged to one side. I believed them, I heard the fear in their voice. They also told me about a number of other serious effects this was having on them and others such as anxiety, panic attacks, vomiting and time off work. They talked of having no real hope and feeling powerless.
My role gives me a platform to speak from. I believe them and I feel I have to do what I believe is right. Too many victims suffer because they are threatened and silenced. The shocking and deplorable becomes their norm and they start to blame themselves. These people are courageous and brave and they deserve a voice.
Since my initial contact I have seen emails where senior people in the Labour Party have responded to the victims by limiting access within Parliament of both the victims and the alleged perpetrator. I have seen an email where victims were told “you may not go to xxx office in Parliamentary buildings (I have changed the language slightly so as not to identify anyone)”. As one of the victims said “telling people to avoid parliament because of a predator, is very scary.”
I have also been told that while the original investigation was happening the alleged perpetrator was put in charge of hosting an event at Parliament where senior MPs and officials knew at least three of the complainants would be present.
The victims have been very clear with me that the Prime Minister’s office knew and that two complaints were made to the head of her Leader’s Office. Despite this, they say a complaint was never received and victims will have to come forward again.
I have been told repeatedly that the Labour Party allowed the accused’s behaviour, that he is too valuable to lose, and that he is close to senior and important people. I asked them what they want. They want a proper respectful process. They want his membership suspended immediately and for him to be stood down so people don’t have to be frightened of bumping into him and they want to keep him away from other vulnerable young people.
Now that an appeal is underway the victims have been told they can’t speak to anyone in the Labour Party, that includes the people who have formed their only support system. It’s yet another form of isolation that will have a huge impact on already vulnerable people. They don’t feel safe at work, they’re constantly on edge.
It’s not my job to judge, I fully accept that I don’t know all the details and have only heard one side and that these are allegations – I have purposefully not outlined them or named or identified anyone. But I will speak up, and yes use different public platforms to do so. I would tell the Labour Party what I have been told, but to be fair they already know what I know and from what I can see have chosen not to act. I hope that changes.

Paula Bennett Facebook
