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Vimeo Won’t Let Us Talk about Censorship


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

In a rather ironic twist, the recently released, beautifully filmed New Zealand documentary ‘Silenced’, about the censorship of important voices, has itself been censored by the platform Vimeo. We shared the documentary on 10 April 2023.

Samantha Blanchard’s film Silenced featuring broadcaster Peter Williams, former GP and NZDSOS member Dr Anne O’Reilly and sociologist Jodie Bruning was removed from the platform on 12 April 2023 just days after it was released.

Why Did Vimeo Silence ‘Silenced’?

This is what the letter from Vimeo said:

Hello Samantha,

I’ve refunded the amount of your purchase.  Please allow 10 business days for the refund to appear on your billing statement.

Your account was terminated for violating Vimeo’s Terms of Service ( and Community Guidelines (

We do not allow health-related content that might cause people to take dangerous or unproven treatments or refrain from taking indicated precautions or treatments that the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or World Health Organization (WHO) recommend.  We also do not allow claims that an epidemic or pandemic (such as COVID-19) are conspiracies.

Specifically, Vimeo does not allow videos that:

  • Conveys false or misleading health-related information that has a serious potential to cause public harm
  • Perpetuates false or misleading claims about vaccine safety
  • Claims that the Coronavirus is a hoax or promotes various other conspiracy theories around the virus

This list is not exhaustive and we reserve the right to remove any content that we believe is harmful in order to protect the safety of our community.

We are unable to restore accounts that have been terminated for this kind of violation.  As this is our final decision, we will be unable to respond further.

We wish you the best of luck in finding a hosting platform better suited to your needs.


What sort of world and country are we living in that goes along with this sort of nonsense – in the true meaning of the word – non sense.  It doesn’t make any sense to censor and silence the voices of sensible, intelligent, articulate, ordinary New Zealanders. Moreover, Silenced was a documentary about censorship. It did not purport to be “health-related information”.

Do we really need ‘Community Guidelines’ that are surely concocted by the pharmaceutical industry to enhance their product sales and eliminate the competition?

The Pfizer vaccine is a ‘dangerous and unproven treatment’ yet there are multiple platforms still promoting it.

Those pushing the agenda are obviously terrified of free speech.  They know that people recognise the truth in their hearts when they hear it.  There can be no room for debate and discussion if you know that truth and science are not on your side.  The only option when truth is not with you is to silence dissenting voices.

We must all keep speaking the truth.

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