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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Can I prompt you to cajole Maureen Pugh to once again ask James Shaw to provide the definitive evidence of man-induced Global Warming as the cause of Cyclone Gabrielle? In the interests of her constituents and now the thousands of us here on The BFD that are in suspended animation awaiting for this epic revelation to arrive.

If Shaw delivers said evidence he will be the first person in the history of the world to provide such evidence. Will the evidence hold if it arrives? I don’t know! Of course, it will be subject to peer review as this is how true science works. We could have a genius amongst us yet.

I can’t help but suggest that waiting for Shaw to produce the AGW evidence is a bit like waiting for that minimalist Adam Schiff to provide the evidence that Donald Trump is a puppet of Russian President Putin! The evidence never arrived.

In my previous letter, I offered causative reasons for Cyclone Gabrielle as “The Tonga Volcano and El Nino”. I got it wrong, BFD commentator ‘Wibble’ kindly corrected my offering – it was the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcano and La Nina. Thanks for your correction Wibble. In the interest of brevity, I hope Wibble will allow me to use ‘Tonga volcano’ in this letter. Wibble appears to have a good all-round knowledge of the climate and was aware of dire predictions of possible major impacts on the climate because of the Tonga volcano twelve months ago just as some Australian scientists could see. He’s a sharp man, is our Wibble.

Why could the NZ Government’s scientists not see those same problems and warn the government of the likely consequences in order to actively prepare New Zealanders for a possible pending Armageddon?  Perhaps Maureen Pugh can get an answer from James Shaw for that one too.

And Maureen, here is another question for James Shaw. Should New Zealand scientists have their funding cut for non-performance?

In my last letter, I used the Mt Tambora eruption as a comparative example to the Tonga volcano for a couple of reasons: 1, They may have both propelled sea water into the atmosphere; 2, They are at opposite ends of the industrial revolution and the CO2 conundrum pushed by AGW alarmists.

The Tonga volcano we are told is unusual among volcanoes in that it was mostly in the sea so that it blew vast quantities of seawater into the atmosphere, with a volcanic plume to 180,000 feet. I have seen figures of the equivalent of 50,000 Olympic swimming pools worth of water.

The Mt Tambora volcano I used as a comparison was the closest comparison to the Tonga volcano I am aware of. Apparently, during the period preceding the Mt Tambora eruption, it was observed that vast quantities of seawater infiltrated the base of the volcano through fissures in the base rock. This could have been millions of tonnes of water. I can only speculate that this water became trapped during the recorded seismic activity preceding the violent eruption of the 15th of April 1815. Supposedly this water would have been converted into superheated steam by underlying magma and slowly built pressure until it was blasted out of the mountain at the time of the explosion. So I am suggesting vast quantities of water being delivered into the atmosphere by both the Mt Tambora and Tonga volcano eruptions, setting up very similar scenarios for comparison. Again I am suggesting a very similar post-explosion situation for water vapour from Mt Tambora and the Tonga volcano and a very good comparison for outcomes except for the different CO2 levels. Perhaps a volcanologist can help here and correct me?

I compared Mt Tambora and the Tonga volcano because they are at opposite ends of the Industrial Revolution and all of the supposed harmful causative effects from CO2. I contend that if CO2 is the cause of Global Warming and Cyclone Gabrielle, as proclaimed by James Shaw and other government funded alarmists, then there should have been no effect on the weather after the Mt Tambora eruption because of very low levels of CO2 present at the time. There should have been no cooling or heavy rains, floods and famine in mainland Europe or the temperature not rising above 15°C on the Iberian Peninsula, or snow in New York to a foot deep in the summer after the Mt Tambora eruption.  There should have been no effect on the weather because of the low CO2 level.

The effects on the weather from both Mt Tambora and the Tonga volcano are not dissimilar. Witness the two metres of snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and five inches of rain at the beginning of spring over the last few days in Southern California. During our summer did it just snow to a low level in Canterbury and the Central Plateau? We’ve had the fire going to keep warm here. It doesn’t sound like AGW Global Warming to me!

Perhaps Maureen Pugh can ask James Shaw why there was cooling, floods, famine, destruction and out-of-season snow with the very low levels of CO2 in the atmosphere after Mt Tambora erupted in 1815 when compared with the higher levels of CO2 and the Tonga volcano today? I am looking forward to his answer.

Of course, it is not as simple as I stated in my first letter, as Australian meteorologists have informed us when they talked about SAM, Antarctic Vortex winds, supercooling above the Antarctic etc. At least Australian meteorologists were warning of the effects from the Tonga volcano and the possibility of the “Impending Summer of Floods” for Australia and New Zealand, and they were correct.

There are many more influences that contribute to the continuous climate change that has been going on forever, such as during the decline of the solar cycle to solar minimum and its associated increased seismic and volcanic activity, relaxation of tectonic plates and thus perhaps the Tonga volcano, the Earth shifting on its axis and related changes in the magnetic field and many more.

I cannot accept the impossible claim that climate change is caused solely and only by CO2 as is the narrative of the alarmists in government and its departments and from the taxpayer-funded Ministry of Propaganda aka the MSM.

