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WANTED Sports Writer: Apply Within

The BFD Needs You. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

The BFD is designed to expand and we have unlimited space for reviews of every type and specialist topics of every type. One niche that is currently not covered regularly by the BFD is sport.

We are currently looking for a sports buff to fill a regular timeslot either every week or every weekend. We want to continue to broaden our readership base and sport would make an excellent addition. All sports are welcome as space on The BFD is unlimited (unlike dead-tree media).

Rugby, cricket, soccer, basketball, netball…whatever floats your boat, we want to cover it. Now is your chance to share your knowledge and commentary on the New Zealand sport of your choice.

Contact SB today to give it a whirl. No commitment is necessary you can start out with a guest post and see how it goes.

sb at

Please put Sports writer in the subject line.

The BFD. The BFD Needs You. Photoshopped image credit Pixy
