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The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Thank God for the Herald’s integrity.

In articles, editorials and cartoons they’ve hammered the government over the outright blatant lies and incompetence of the Health Department re access to Covid vaccines.

The indisputable fact is that New Zealand’s vaccine roll-out is one of the worst in the world.

There’s an irony to this. A month or so back the government announced the restructuring of Health away from regional Boards, to a centralised structure run from Wellington.

Ashley Bloomfield’s television hugging scoutmasterly imagery may have comforted Covid panickers last year, but the evidence is clear, he has no business running a major government entity. Now to add to the Covid cockup he’s going to be in charge of all of our hospitals and other regional Health Board activities, something he is clearly not up to.

The case for centralisation may or may not have merit. But one thing is certain and that is it should be delayed until the Covid epidemic is finally over, and more important, that there’s clear evidence that the Health Department is up to the task.

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