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Lady Godiva naked horse town rode

The Red Queen stared truculently out of the palace window. The trucks were still there even after she ordered the Palace Guard to remove them.

The Red King in Canada is having the same trouble. Though now he is arresting the truckers and confiscating their gold. He has threatened to euthanise their pets. It will be the truckers next. The Mounties have now arrived trampling a disabled woman with a walker and riding their horses into the crowd.

The Chroniclers in Canada are paid for by the Red King, just as they are paid for here by the Red Queen, so the only way to let the rulers know what you really really think is to assemble in front of their palaces and hope they will notice you.

The ‘Quacker’ of the House Master Mallard thought he would do a Capability Brown and put in a Duck Pond to deter the assemblers. Capability Brown was favoured by the wealthy English Country House owners who didn’t want formal gardens and wanted ‘God’s look’. I’m sure this is what the ‘Quacker’ was trying to achieve.

The Quisling leader of the Roundheads Luxon wants Master Mallard’s head or entrails because he put in an unauthorised Duck Pond and caused a jarring repetitive note amongst the Red Queen’s troubadours and minstrels.

Lady Godiva was actually plucked naked from the crowd by her hair braids. She was emulating the 11th century Lady Godiva who rode through the town of Coventry, England covered only by her long hair in protest at King Canute’s harsh gold tax.

A recent survey here found over a third of the Red Queen’s subjects found Covid restrictions too harsh. This is not just a small peasant rabble as has been portrayed by the Chroniclers.

The Assemblers are now being joined by Dames and Knights of the realm. Knight Coutts is going to splash down in Mallard’s pond with sails unfurled. Dame Turia thinks the Red Queen is actually the Manchurian Candidate under the control of one named the Fuhrer.

The Red Queen thinks there are foreign mercenaries amongst the Assemblers. She has had a few of her own foreign assignations. People in glass palaces should not throw stones. She sat on the Hungarian throne of the International Union of Socialist Youth.

Her WEF connections link her to Herr Klaus of the Prussian line. There is also Lord Blair of the United Kngdom, not to mention Agenda 30 of the United Nations.

The Red Queen’s decree of ‘They are Us’ does not seem to apply to the protesters in Wellington who have been referred to by her courtiers as ‘ferals’ and ‘rivers of filth’.

They are not ‘rivers of filth’ as they have recently set up a hot shower at a bus stop.

These feral like creatures have also spread to Picton and the Cathedral City Christchurch which is where Bishop Brian has grasped his crosier and put on his mitre asking for mandates to be gone by March 1st. Will there be “Murder in the Cathedral” As T.S.Elliot puts it?

Big Sister the ‘Red Queen’ reigns at the moment but ‘Twisted Sister has a few words of her own:

We”re not Gonna Take it,
No We ain’t gonna take it,
We’re not gonna take it anymore.
We’ve got the right to choose and there ain’t no way we will lose it,
This is our life this is our song,
We will fight the powers that be, just don’t pick our destiny,
Cause you don’t know us you don’t belong.We’re right, yeah,
We’re free yeah,
We’ll fight yeah,
You’ll see yeah.
