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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I am a Covid Exile, having returned to my birth country (USA) due to the closed borders in NZ preventing us from being able to see relatives here for the past 2 years. I miss my home (NZ) very much, but current government plans make it look like I will not be returning anytime soon.

It varies from state to state, but in Arizona, things are shockingly normal here. Some stores have signs out front saying masks are required, but they are largely ignored.

My son’s school has been open all year with no masks or other requirements on staff or children.

I teach at a university, and if a student tests positive they are required to self-isolate for 5 days, and then they are back in class. All instruction is in-person in the classrooms. No online or Zoom classes. It is nice to be able and go and sit in a restaurant any time I want without having to wear a mask.

I hope things change soon in NZ and I can come back, even if just to visit. If I was still in NZ I would have lost my job by now due to my personal medical decisions. I had no problem getting a job in the US.
