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gold and silver round coin
Photo by Bermix Studio. The BFD.
Jeff Deist

Robert P. Murphy

Jeff Deist is president of the Mises Institute, where he serves as a writer, public speaker, and advocate for property, markets and civil society. He takes particular interest in private legal systems and private money as tools for radically decentralizing political power.

Robert P Murphy is a senior fellow with the Mises Institute. He is the author of numerous books: Contra Krugman: Smashing the Errors of America’s Most Famous Keynesian; Chaos Theory; Lessons for the Young Economist; Choice: Cooperation, Enterprise, and Human Action; The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism; Understanding Bitcoin (with Silas Barta), among others. He is also host of The Bob Murphy Show.

Jeff and Bob discuss whether the FTX scandal will be used to justify new “crypto” regulations or even the creation of a central bank digital currency.

Caitlin Long and Sam Bankman-Fried debating leveraging Bitcoin:

Mises on circulation credit vs. commodity credit:

President of the Minneapolis Fed Neel Kashkari on CBDCs:
