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What Real Leadership Looks Like

While the tyrant was at Auckland Airport parading new welcome home kits for Kiwis arriving home, Winston Peters decided to venture into Freedom Village.

Love him or loathe him, he is the ONLY leader of a political party that has firstly said no more mandates and secondly gone to the Freedom Village to actually speak to the protestors.

Winston was mobbed by people eager to talk to a politician. Just one person had something negative to say, and of course, the lying media pounced on that, creating the impression that Winston wasn’t well received.

Meanwhile, the reassurances from the Police that they were de-escalating things turned out to be even more lies. Turning up for dawn raids in riot gear and charging protestors can hardly be called de-escalating. The Police are being deliberately provocative and seem to be singling out people and meting out beatings.

On top of that, we have credible sources that have identified at least one current serving SAS soldier. He was recognised by a former comrade who served in Timor with him and who is now in the protest. That SAS soldier was gathering intelligence for a Police push on the protestors. Sources inside the squadron are not happy that a) they’ve been rumbled and b) they’re being used at all against NZ citizens. We have independently confirmed SAS involvement in infiltrating the Freedom Village by trusted sources.

Our Police sources also confirm that they have undercover operatives trying to act as agent provocateurs trying to cause problems and mayhem in order to give Police a reason to attack protestors.

The politicians and the elites are afraid. This protest is not winding down, nor is it going away. They need them gone and I fear they are prepared to use violence to do so.

The intransigence of politicians who are refusing to even listen much less negotiate shows how much fear the politicians have, of not only recognising the narrative is falling away as each day passes, but so too is their thin grasp on power.

They are using the media to denigrate honest hard-working citizens who have nothing else left to lose after being mandated out of their jobs, careers, businesses and society in general.

Jacinda Ardern likes to preachify about how to stop radicalisation, but her very actions, cruel and heartless as they are, are the things that are radicalising Kiwis who now know that the slogan “Team of Five Million” most definitely does not apply to them.

The elites have shunned them and persecuted them and now they are peacefully protesting to defend their rights and freedoms that should never have been taken in the first place.

Winston Peters might be a political chancer, but at least he went and listened. For that, he deserves praise and support, for who else is there listening to the very real grievances of the protestors?

Certainly not the tyrant, who scolds and belittles. Not Christopher Luxon who scuttled off to Auckland and then issues a speech from his own podium, safely 660 kilometres from the protest. David Seymour has shown just how much of a simp to Ardern he has become, and the Greens are nowhere to be seen.

The political class have done this to New Zealand. They’ve created the divisions and supported Ardern every step of the way.

Now we are seeing Ardern becoming more and more like Robert Muldoon. She has divided society, abandoned kindness, enforced cruelty, turned Police against protestors, enabled bullies like Trevor Mallard, remained silent on the horrendous words of Michael Wood and now has started dawn raids using riot shields, batons and violence.

My how the mighty have fallen. People may not have marched when she was elected, but now she is watching riots, instigated by the Speaker and the Police on the steps of Parliament.

What really disgusts me is watching people call for the protestors to be bashed, crushed and annihilated:

And even David Farrar agrees. Where is the Civil Liberties organisation on all of this? They’re cheering on the Police too and demonising and smearing people:

Not only that, he is trying to raise money for a guy who was charged under terrorism laws, an actual extremist who now is somehow able to reveal extremism and get the support of NZ Civil Liberties.

Don’t even get me started on the missing in action Free Speech Union, who seem more interested in playing in the Supreme Court over a long-forgotten battle from years ago.

These mandates have shown us just who our friends are, and who would subjugate us further. They abuse protestors for being Nazis but show their own fascist tendencies. Worse still, the statistics are now showing that the mandates are a fraud, as each day progresses more and more vaccinated are getting Omicron, at a rate nearly double the unvaccinated.

There is no rational or scientific reason now to maintain mandates. Maintaining them is no longer about health it is about punishment. That is simply evil.

When Winston Peters is the only politician prepared to meet the protestors then our country has fallen a long way. I’m not sure it is even recoverable anymore.

I am ashamed to be a New Zealander and ashamed at what has become of our nation. It disgusts me that people are actively discriminated against and when they defend themselves from draconian and cruel policies they are smeared and attacked for doing so.

Have we learned nothing from history? It seems not.

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