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What Really Caused the Spike in Heart Cases?

Viral myocarditis or virus infection of the human heart resulting in inflammation of the cardiac circulatory organ with 3D illustration elements.

To a hammer, as the saying goes, everything looks like a nail. That goes for both extremes of the pandemic narratives, the “Covidiots” and the “Covidians” as I dub them (before outraged readers jump in the comments, I use these terms to refer only to the true nutters of both sides).

To the Covidians, every death during the pandemic was because of Covid, which was the most deadly virus, like, ever, which you could catch just by breathing within 20 metres of an unmasked person. The Covidiots, in their turn, are utterly convinced that every unexpected death since the vaccinations must have been caused by the Covid vaccines, which have caused an alarming epidemic of deadly heart disease.

Needless to say, the truth lies somewhere well between those extremes. It’s no secret that there has been an increase in transient, non-fatal incidences of myocarditis in young men especially, caused by the vaccines. But the “died suddenly” narrative of fit, healthy young people dropping like flies is so much bunkum.

Especially when there’s at least one more likely proximate cause of a rise in cardiac arrests.

One in three younger Victorians who died suddenly from cardiac arrest used illegal drugs before their deaths, according to the findings of a new Australian study, which experts say highlights the underrecognised effect some illicit drugs can have on the heart.

There has been increasing evidence of a link between using street drugs – such as cocaine and methamphetamine, also known as ice – and premature heart complications and death.

“Over the last decade, or maybe even a little more, we’ve seen a substantial number of young people using methamphetamines with severe heart failure, to the point that they would require transplant or [they died suddenly],” said Dr Elizabeth Paratz, the study’s lead investigator and a cardiologist at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.

What’s telling, though, is the timing of the rise in deaths, which was in turn linked to a rise in drug use.

The research examined the deaths of 523 Victorians aged 18 to 50 who had a toxicological assessment performed after they died suddenly of a cardiac arrest outside a hospital between April 2019 and April 2021. It found 32.5 per cent of these people either returned a positive toxicology result for illicit drugs (138 patients) or reported regular drug use (32 patients).

This rate of illicit drug use was significantly higher than is currently estimated in the general population.

So the Covidians are very far from off the hook, here. Because, while the vaccines may not have caused a wave of sudden heart-related deaths, the surge in drug use was a predictable outcome of another Covid policy: lockdowns.

The Victorians included in the study who died of sudden cardiac arrest after using illicit drugs were mostly likely to have cannabis in their system (106 cases), followed by amphetamine-type substances (83), heroin (36) and cocaine (16).

They were more likely to be men, smoke and drink alcohol regularly, and have a psychiatric diagnosis, compared to those who died without a history of illicit drug use. Many were using multiple legal and illegal drugs, and died while sleeping or sedentary.

Drug use and mental illness are strongly linked. It’s been well documented that lockdowns caused a spike in mental health issues, especially among the young. It shouldn’t be surprising, then, that a correlated rise in drug accompanied it.

Not to mention the effects of locking whole populations in their homes with inadequate exercise and diet.

John Ryan, the chief executive of drug policy organisation, the Penington Institute, said […] governments needed to step up with information campaigns.


No, governments need to come clean on just how disastrous their panicked, illogical Covid policies really were, and how much harm they caused.

Governments and their pet bureaucratic scientists have blood on their hands.
