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people on beach during daytime
Photo by vianet ramos. The BFD.

Back in 2019 my “dearly beloved” completed their BSc in Mathematics (I have no idea, either) having endured three years of sickeningly patronising behaviour from woke students, lecturers and professors at the silly University in Wellington for being Maori. It really had to be witnessed to be believed, especially how “uncomfortable” they all got when they encounter a Maori who didn’t conform to certain stereotypes. Their virulent racism was difficult to hide when confronted with a Maori who is well-spoken, supports Winston, hates socialism, drives a Jaguar, and is very conservative.

Anyhoo, we then decided to head to the South Island on an extended holiday; pottering around in a campervan to show both my ‘dearly beloved’ and the children the nice parts of New Zealand, and meet lots of ‘normal’ people. It really was the most marvellous time. Our first stop was in Westport, of all places, where we stayed for a few weeks fishing and relaxing. A lovely town full of nice folk with a nice vibe about it.

One of the intriguing things about being in Westport for six weeks is that I kept bumping into Maureen Pugh MP, the National list member based on the Coast. She seemed to spend quite a lot of time in the town but the local member, Damian O’Connor, was the invisible man. It didn’t surprise me in the least when – far from being “useless” – Maureen saw a considerable increase in her vote in 2020. Last weekend she had a stall at the Buller A&P show and attracted a great deal of interest from the locals; Damian O’Connor, by contrast, was rushing off to Davos in Europe. Unless I am very much mistaken she will win the electorate later in the year.

Which raises an interesting question: what does someone do when thrown on the scrapheap?

Damian O’Connor has been in Parliament since 1993, with a short break on the dole in 2009, a career in politics long enough for him to know which way the wind is blowing. Therefore it is no surprise to me that it was he rather than, say, Nanaia Mahuta, who was in Davos poncing about hobnobbing with the sick and demented lunatics who attend such events. In short, folks: he’s after a cushy job!

After all, what possible attributes does a political hack with an IQ of about 7, and who can’t even talk properly, offer to an employer? Rather than take a chance of ending up as a waiter or kitchen hand, or real estate agent (and that industry is stuffed!), our Damian is – probably as we speak – assuring Klaus Schwab and some billionaire perverts he still has enough time to engage in sufficient unpatriotic activities to damage the New Zealand economy and impoverish its people before inevitable defeat at the general election.

So can he please have a lucrative “consultancy” commencing in October?

Rather than having to do any actual work, such as is required as an MP, his consultancy will be similar to that established by Mike Moore – photocopy a few pages from Wikipedia, get flown first class to meet with whomever he’s consulting for, read out the first paragraph or two; hand the invoice over and pocket a cheque. The reward for being a good Globalist Stormtrooper whilst in office: for selling out your country and its people at the Altar of Evil and Wickedness. It’s not like the people are going to stop drinking beer and watching sports on television to rise up and start flogging and lynching the guilty, now is it?


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