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What’s a Gathering of Hypocrites Called?

white and black typewriter on green grass during daytime
Photo by Markus Winkler. The BFD.



The sickening behaviour of Jacinda Ardern in March 2019 after the murder of dozens of people at Christchurch mosques (and her bad syntax, They Are Us, or something), was bad enough.

A year later she followed it up pretending to be Winston Churchill in 1940 with an unnecessary lockdown and infantile hysteria over coronavirus: done solely to save her sinking Government. That ‘Warrior Queen’ display fooled an unsurprisingly large percentage of the population and it did save her but frankly I have little sympathy for those on the short end of the stick. If you can’t tell you’re being conned, you deserve what’s inevitably coming to you.

However, to come back to the well for a third time really does take the cake.

Like many of you I have been genuinely sickened by the sight of communists, traitors, atheists and republicans (ie, the Labour party) in the last couple of days pretending to be patriots and monarchists. Once again, it’s done solely in a desperate attempt to save their imploding Government, but this time I doubt it will succeed. Most people are now wise to this routine Ardern engages in and know it’s not real.

In socialist circles in the capital, or Grey Lynn, or other enclaves of the breathtakingly ignorant and useless, it is a sign of normalcy to pontificate as to how ‘republican’ you are and how irrelevant to this country the monarchy are (sweetie darling) – all to loud chortles from drunk Karens and weak men – and everybody knows it.

To then turn around and magically transform into a monarchist (complete with utterly fake stories about policemen with torches, and carefully rehearsed voice-breaking at just the right moment) isn’t fooling anyone, ‘comrade’. It’s about as convincing as Neve and the ironing board!

What has also trumped Ardern – no doubt she’s sticking pins into voodoo dolls as we speak – is the media interviewing Chris Luxon and David Seymour, thereby negating the impact of her latest con game. Their tales of flag waving when the Queen drove by also seem far more convincing, more in line with the average person’s experience, than the utterly ludicrous nonsense driveling from (ahem) the horse’s mouth.

I always used to wonder how odious feminazis such as Maryan Street, Helen Clark, Ruth Dyson, Megan Woods et al. had the damned cheek to ask men to vote for them in view of their self-loathing misandry. And I also ask the question as to how any member of the Labour, Green or Maori parties can take part in the ceremony at parliament in view of their lifelong hatred of all things monarchy? Have they no integrity? No value they won’t betray for cheap votes? No sewer they won’t sink into for personal advancement? All it does, dear reader, is remind you and I that we are definitely on the right side: the side of purity, the side of goodness, the side of virtue – thank you God for not making us like them!
